European trailer pack

European trailer pack

Basic terms used in the Policy

Website — a set of graphic and information materials, as well as computer programs and databases, ensuring their availability on the Internet at the network address .

Personal data – any information related to directly or indirectly specified natural person (data subject).

Information – details (reports, data) regardless their presentation form.

Operator – state authority, municipal authority, legal or private person, who severally or jointly arranges and/or performs personal data processing, as well as defines the aims of personal data processing, the volume of personal data subject to processing and personal data handling.

Personal data processing – any action or a series of actions performed towards personal data with or without the software, including the personal data acquisition, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, update and alteration, extraction, use, transfer (distribution, presentation, providing access), depersonalization, blocking, deleting and annihilation.

Automated personal data processing – personal data processing via PC software.

Personal data presentation – personal data disclosure to particular person or certain group of persons.

Personal data distribution – personal data disclosure to uncertain group of persons.

Trans-border transfer of personal data – personal data transfer to a foreign country, foreign government body and foreign natural or legal person.

Personal data blocking – temporary interruption of personal data processing (except where processing is required for personal data update or alteration).

Personal data annihilation – actions making it impossible to restore personal data volume in the personal data information system and/or resulting in the elimination of tangible personal data carriers.

Personal data depersonalization – actions making it impossible to identify personal data as related to a certain data subject without involving an additional information.

Personal data information system – a set of personal data included into personal data databases, as well as the software and tools used for their processing.


7.1. Совершая оплату услуг, Пользователь подтверждает свое согласие с условием настоящего Договора и правилами предоставления товаров. Пользователь гарантирует наличие у него технической возможности воспользоваться товарами Администратора.

7.2. Возможность отмены/переноса даты предоставления товаров устанавливается Администратором самостоятельно. Администратор не несет ответственности перед Пользователем за неисполнение и/или ненадлежащее исполнение своих обязательств в связи с отменой или переносом даты не по вине Администратора, о чем Пользователь был проинформирован на Сайте или любым другим способом согласно условий данного Договора.

7.3. Стороны признают, что, если какое-либо из положений Договора становится недействительным в течение срока его действия вследствие изменения законодательства, остальные положения Договора обязательны для Сторон в течение срока действия Договора.

7.4. Совершая акцепт настоящего Договора, Пользователь подтверждает, что ознакомился и согласен с политикой конфиденциальности, размещенной на Сайте.

7.5. Принимая условия настоящей Оферты, Пользователь выражает свое согласие на получение информации обо всех остальных товарах, независимо от срока действия настоящего Договора при условии того, что такое согласие может быть отозвано Пользователем в любой момент путем направления соответствующего обращения Администратору.

7.6. Все, что не урегулировано положениями настоящего Договора и правилами, размещенными на Сайте, относительно каждой услуги, разрешается путем использования норм законодательства РФ.


3.1. Оплата за товары Администратора производится при помощи сервиса для приема платежей в интернете. Форма оплаты услуг размещена на Сайте.

3.2. Доступ Пользователя к товарам, информация о которых размещена на Сайте, предоставляется при условии 100% предоплаты вознаграждения Администратора, в порядке и способом, указанным в настоящем Договоре, на Сайте или сообщены пользователю иным образом.

3.3. Администратор оставляет за собой право аннулировать доступ Пользователя к продукту в случае установления факта передачи им реквизитов, полученных при регистрации, третьим лицам, а также в случае распространения Пользователем информации и материалов, полученных им в процессе приобретения. Использование информации и материалов допускается только в личных целях и для личного использования Пользователя. Доступ Пользователя к продукту обеспечивается не более чем для одного пользователя по каждому индивидуальному доступу.

3.4. Моментом предоставления товара в режиме онлайн является факт предоставления доступа к товару.


4.1. Все информационные материалы, в том числе опубликованные на Сайте в свободном доступе, являются интеллектуальной собственностью Администратора, либо интеллектуальной собственностью третьих лиц, разрешение использования которой получено Администратором в законном порядке. Предоставление доступа Пользователю к информационным материалам в процессе использования Сайта, либо оказания услуг, не предполагает разрешения на копирование, распространение данных информационных материалов. Нарушение порядка использования информационных материалов предполагает односторонний отказ со стороны Администратора от предоставления услуги без возврата вознаграждения с последующей блокировкой аккаунта Пользователя. Администратор оставляет за собой право на взыскание штрафа за нарушение порядка использования информационных материалов в размере 100 000 рублей за каждый факт нарушения.

4.2. За неисполнение или ненадлежащее исполнение своих иных обязательств по настоящему Договору Стороны несут иную ответственность в соответствии с действующим законодательством РФ.

4.3. Ни одна из Сторон не будет нести ответственности за полное или частичное неисполнение другой Стороной своих обязанностей, если неисполнение будет являться следствием обстоятельств непреодолимой силы, таких как: пожар, наводнение, землетрясение, забастовки и другие стихийные бедствия, война и военные действия или другие обстоятельства, находящиеся вне контроля Сторон, препятствующие выполнению настоящего Договора, возникшие после заключения Договора. Если любое из таких обстоятельств непосредственно повлияло на неисполнение обязательства в срок, указанный в Договоре, то этот срок соразмерно отодвигается на время действия соответствующего обстоятельства.

4.4. Ответственность Администратора ограничена размером полученного вознаграждения за каждую оказанную услугу.


3.1. Payment for the goods of the Administrator is made using the service for accepting payments on the Internet. The form of payment for services is posted on the Site.

3.2. The User’s access to the goods, information about which is posted on the Site, is provided under the condition of 100% prepayment of the Administrator’s reward, in the manner specified in the Contract, on the Site or otherwise communicated to the user.

3.3. The Administrator reserves the right to revoke the User’s access to the product if it is established that the details, received during registration to third parties have been transferred, as well as if the User distributes information and materials received during the purchasing process. The use of information and materials is allowed only for personal purposes and for the personal use of the User. User access to the product is provided for no more than one user for each individual access.

3.4. The moment of providing the product online is the fact of providing access to the product.


7.1. By paying for services, the User confirms his agreement with the terms of the Contract and the rules for the provision of goods. The User guarantees that there is the technical ability to use the Administrator’s products.

7.2. The possibility of canceling/postponing the date of provision of goods is established by the Administrator independently. The Administrator is not liable to the User for non-fulfillment and/or improper fulfillment of the obligations in connection with the cancellation or postponement of the date through no fault of the Administrator, about which the User has been informed on the Site or in any other way in accordance with the terms of the Contract.

7.3. The Parties acknowledge that if any of the provisions of the Contract becomes invalid during its validity period due to changes in legislation, the remaining provisions of the Contract are mandatory for the Parties during the term of the Contract.

7.4. By accepting this Agreement, the User confirms that he/she has read and agrees with the privacy policy posted on the Site.

7.5. By accepting the terms of this Offer, the User expresses his consent to receive information about all other goods, regardless of the term of the Contract, provided that such consent can be withdrawn by the User at any time by sending an appropriate request to the Administrator.

7.6. Anything that is not regulated by the provisions of the Contract and the rules posted on the Site regarding each service is permitted by using the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

General Provisions

This personal data processing policy is developed based on the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ «About Personal Data» and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data taken by IE Rudakov Evgeny Petrovich (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).  

1.1. The operator sets as its most important goal and condition for the implementation of its activities the observance of the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen when processing his personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.

1.2. This Operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all information that the Operator may receive about visitors to the website. 


4.1. All information materials, including those published on the Site in the public domain, are the intellectual property of the Administrator, or the intellectual property of third parties, permission to use which is legally obtained by the Administrator. Providing the User with access to information materials in the process of using the Site or providing services does not imply permission to copy, distribute these information materials. Violation of the procedure for using information materials implies a unilateral refusal on the part of the Administrator to provide the service without refunding the fee, followed by blocking the User’s account. The administrator reserves the right to imposition a fine for violation of the procedure for using information materials in the amount of 100,000 rubles for each violation.

4.2. The Parties are liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their other obligations under the Contract in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Neither Party will be liable for the full or partial failure of the other Party to fulfill its obligations if the failure is the result of force majeure circumstances, such as fire, flood, earthquake, strikes, and other natural disasters, war, and hostilities or other circumstances, outside the control of the Parties, hindering the implementation of this Contract, arising after the conclusion of the Contract. If any of such circumstances directly affected the failure to fulfill the obligation within the period specified in the Contract, then this period shall be proportionally postponed for the duration of the relevant circumstance.

4.4. The Administrator’s liability is limited to the amount of reward received for each service provided.


2.1. The Administrator is obliged:

2.1.1. To ensure the fulfillment of the obligations to the User on the terms established by this offer and in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, from the moment the Contract is concluded. The Administrator reserves the right to refuse to fulfill the obligations in the event of the circumstance of insuperable force (“force majeure”).

2.2. The Administrator has the right:

2.2.1. To change the terms of this offer; the prices for the Goods indicated on the Site; terms of payment for the Goods; methods and terms of sending the Goods; as well as other terms specified in this offer or on the website.

2.2.2. To transfer the rights and obligations under the transaction (Contract) concluded with the User to third parties without agreement with the User.

2.3. The User is obliged:

2.3.1. To read the content and conditions set out in this offer, as well as other conditions specified on the Site, including the prices for Goods set on the site, before placing an Order on the Site.

2.3.2. To provide his or her personal data necessary to identify the User and sufficient to complete a transaction with the Administrator and sending the User the Goods ordered by him or her in order to fulfill the Administrator’s obligations.

2.3.3. To pay for the ordered Goods on the terms of this offer.

2.3.4. To comply with the terms established in this offer, as well as other terms indicated on the Site.

2.3.5. Not to reproduce, repeat, copy, sell, or use for any purpose other than personal purposes the information and materials that became available to him/her after payment for the product, including the product itself.

Pack 10 Mods Ônibus Brasileiros Ets2 1.48

Pack 10 Mods Ônibus Brasileiros Ets2 1.48

→ Tamanho do Arquivo:  MBMod: Pack 10 Mods Ônibus Brasileiros Ets2 1.48Versão: 1.48.x(Teste em outras)Créditos:

Faça o Download e Extraia com Winrar para pegar todos os links dos mod.

Atenção: qualquer problema relacionado a direitos autorais, divulgação ou upload entre em contato com nosso site e solicite a remoção.

Nenhum mod em nosso site é testado por nossa equipe, nosso site é apenas um intermediário de divulgação, qualquer mod baixado é de total responsabilidade do usuário, caso algum mod não funcione recomendamos que entre em contato diretamente com o desenvolvedor do mod

Como Instalar Mods no ETS2

Confira como instalar e ativar mods em Euro Truck Simulator 2

  1. Baixe os arquivos do mod em nosso site
  2. Extraia os arquivos .scs para a pasta Meus Documentos/Euro Truck Simulator 2/Mod (Vale lembrar que agora alguns mods não precisam mais serem extraídos e estarem exatamente no formato .scs, agora o jogo também aceita mods com formato .rar, então fique ligado)
  3. Clique em ativar todos para ativar todos os mods de Euro Truck Simulator 2 

(Caso o jogo feche você deve verificar se não esta faltando nenhuma DLC, se é necessário criar um novo perfil ou se não precisa alterar o modo de jogo caso seja um mapa que você esteja tentando ativar)

Dúvidas diversas:

O jogo está dando erro/fechando/bug depois que instalou o mod. O que fazer?Existem vários fatores que podem estar fazendo isso acontecer. Então o primeiro é se a versão do jogo é a mesma do mod (sempre colocamos na descrição), segundo, o mod não está dando conflito com outro, o que geralmente ocorre quando se instala dois mods ou mais de uma mesma categoria, tipo, 2 ou 3 mapas diferentes, pack de sons e etc. O correto de se fazer é adicionar mod por mod e depois ver qual deles está causando o problema.

O anti-virus detectou um malware em um mod!

100% dos mods postados no nosso site são testados pela nossa equipe antes de publica-los. Então pode ser que seu anti-virus dê um “alarme falso”. O que acontece normalmente. E mais, todas nossas fontes são extremamente confiáveis e nunca tivemos problemas antes. Então se você se sente inseguro, não baixe. Faça isso com sua própria conta e risco. Pois, não nos responsabilizamos por qualquer perda ou outros que possa ocorrer.

Não consigo extrair os arquivos pois o mesmo está pedindo senha. O que faço?

Todos os mods em nossos servidores não possuem senha nos arquivos .zip. Pois, os arquivos SCS podem conter a senha do criador do mod e então você não conseguirá extrair. Então isso não é um problema, já que você precisa somente dos arquivos SCS e não os que estão dentro dele!Outras dúvidas, deixe nos comentários que tentaremos lhe auxiliar!

Requisitos Mínimos

  • Sistema Operacional: Windows 7
  • Processador: Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz
  • Memoria RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Placa de Video: GeForce GTS 450-class (Intel HD 4000)
  • Armazenamento HD: 5 GB available space

Requisitos Recomendados

  • Sistema Operacional: Windows 7/8.1/10 64-bit
  • Processador: Quad core CPU 3.0 GHz
  • Memoria RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Placa de Video: GeForce GTX 760-class (2 GB)
  • Armazenamento HD: 5 GB available space

Euro Truck Simulator 2 é um jogo de simulador de caminhões, sendo um jogo extremamente indicado para quem curte jogos de simulação, principalmente aqueles do gênero de “direção”. Que envolve veículos. Pois, um dos destaques do jogo é a infinidade de mods disponíveis para se baixar, para deixar o jogo no estilo brasileiro. Então para comprar o Jogo pela Steam Ou testar a Demo do Jogo!

Obrigado pela sua visita! Gostou do site? Então adicione aos favoritos e ativa as notificações para receber sempre mais mods top!

 Compartilhe o Site em suas redes sociais e ajude nosso site a se manter no topo dos melhores site de mods do Brasil !

Public offer

When purchasing goods at (hereinafter referred to as the Site), the list of which is indicated on the site, the User fully and implicitly agrees with the provision of the offer contract, as well as with other rules posted on the Site. In case of disagreement with the terms of the offer, the User shall refrain from purchasing goods and stop using the Site.

Individual entrepreneur Rudakov Evgeny Petrovich (OGRNIP 320508100255430, INN 503511079401) hereinafter referred to as the Administrator, addresses the offer contract (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) to any individual, legal person, as well as to any individual entrepreneur (an indefinite number of persons) who have expressed their goodwill to conclude the Contract in order to use the Site and purchase goods, the list of which is published on the Site.

The Contract, in accordance with clause 2 of article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer, the acceptance of the terms of which is the performance of the actions provided for by the Contract.

Within the Contract, acceptance is understood as the User performing actions that indicate the intention to use the functionality of the Site, including, but not limited to such actions as payment for the Administrator’s goods.


The terms of the Contract govern relations between the Administrator and the User and contain the following definitions:

The Administrator is an individual entrepreneur Rudakov Evgeny Petrovich (OGRNIP 320508100255430, INN 503511079401), who has the legal right to provide goods, the list of which is indicated on the Site, as well as to use and disseminate information on the Site.

The User is a person who opened the Site page.

Product is the author’s modifications for the game Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator

The Site is a resource on the Internet at, containing information materials, as well as information about the goods provided.

Terms that are not defined by the above definitions may be used in the Contract. In this case, the interpretation of such a term is made in accordance with the text of the Contract. In the absence of a single interpretation of the term in the text of the Contract, the Parties should be guided by the interpretation of the term, first of all, as defined on the Site.


Условия Договора регулируют отношения Администратора и Пользователя и содержат следующие определения:

Администратор — индивидуальный предприниматель Рудаков Евгений Петрович (ОГРНИП 320508100255430, ИНН 503511079401), имеющий законное право на предоставление товаров, перечень которых указан на Сайте, а также на использование и распространение информации, находящейся на Сайте.

Пользователь — лицо, открывшее страницу Сайта.

Товар — авторские модификации для игры Euro Truck Simulator 2 и American Truck Simulator

Сайт — ресурс интернет сети по адресу, содержащий в себе информационные материалы, а также информацию о предоставляемых товаров.

В Договоре могут быть использованы термины, не определенные вышеперечисленными понятиями. В этом случае, толкование такого термина производится в соответствии с текстом Договора. В случае отсутствия однозначного толкования термина в тексте Договора Стороны руководствуются толкованием термина: в первую очередь — определенным на Сайте.


1.1. In accordance with article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the CCRF), this document is a public offer addressed to individuals, and if the terms set out below are accepted, the individual shall pay for the Goods under the terms outlined in the offer. In accordance with clause 3 of article 438 of the CCRF, payment for the Goods by the User is an acceptance of the Administrator’s offer, which is equivalent to concluding a Purchase and Sale Contract for the Goods under the terms described in this offer and on the Site.

1.2. The Administrator hands over, and the User accepts and pays for the Goods on the terms of the Contract.

1.3. The Administrator reserves the right to make changes to this offer, in connection with which the User undertakes to independently monitor the presence of changes in the offer posted on the Site. The Administrator is obliged to place a notice of changes of the offer no later than 7 (seven) days before the date of their entry into force.

The security of personal data processed by the Operator is ensured by the implementation of legal, organizational and technical measures necessary to fully comply with the requirements of the current legislation in the field of personal data protection.

– The operator ensures the safety of personal data and takes all possible measures to prevent access to personal data of unauthorized persons.

– The User’s personal data will never, under any circumstances, be transferred to third parties, except in cases related to the implementation of the current legislation.

– The period of processing of personal data is unlimited. The user may at any time withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data by sending a notification to the Operator via e – mail to – The operator’s e – mail address marked “Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data”. 

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: