Cherry tree high: comedy club!


Miley Verisse — The main character and president of the CTHCC. Miley is a third year student at Cherry Tree High. She’s a bright and cheerful girl that has spent many years studying the great art of comedy. She has a part time job and cleaning the shrine. She has a tendency to pick up bottles and dog feces off the ground. Described as being friends with everyone, her favorite food is chili dogs. She is a huge fan of Stan the Comedy Man as well as the Grinmeisters.

Harriet Sinclair — Miley’s roommate and best friend. She works as a waitress at the Loco Moco. She is a calm voice of reason in contrast to Miley’s antics. They are often mistaken as more than just roommates. Despite all the troubles that Miley brings, Harriet sticks with her ever since she helped bring her laugh back after her pet died. She loves romantic movies and Italian dishes. She’s also your ONLY SAVE POINT.

Elise Faircloth — The stoic priestess that works at the Prosperity Shrine. She is known to read the late at night and appears seemingly from nowhere. As a result of climbing the steps to the Shrine everyday, her thighs have become like Chun-Li’s. She employs Miley to help her sweep up the floors.

Dina — The dormlady of Miley, Harriet, Sara and others. She is known to be a master of cooking with leftovers. You can trade 10 empty bottles over to her in order to get a refund. She used to be part of a gang back in her youth. She enjoys gambling at the racetrack and drinking. She has never served italian food at the dorm. She doesn’t like it when people talk about her .

Roland — Sara’s dog that lives in the dorm. He is also the only voiced character in this game. Given to Sara as a gift to help her overcome the grief of losing her grandfather of the same name.

Octavia Richmond — The president, tsundere and Miley’s rival. She is constantly wishing for Miley’s downfall but deep inside still worries about her. She used to be Miley’s childhood friend before they started playing pranks on each other such as putting frogs in each other shoes or flipping skirts leading to Octavia breaking off their friendship by the end of middle school. Now Miley refers to Octavia with nicknames like Octopus. She hails from a rich family and rarely does any hard work. She hates the taste of candy and prefers her full course meals.

Clarence Campbell — Also known as Stan the Comedy Man. He is Curtis’s father and has relational issues with his son finding himself unable to talk with him. He often left Curtis under the whims of caretakers until he was old enough, leaving a gap in their relationship. His material is hinted to be outdated and he may sell out in 10 years. He asks Miley to take care of his son and to look after him.

Rebecca — An old friend of Dina’s and works towards reforming the town and improving it. She tries to get May to sell off her grandfather’s candy store in place of the chain store Sweet Sweets.

Mikey — One of Cindy’s band-mates and finds Miley’s presence to be helpful to Cindy’s happiness.

Marion Bergman — Vivian’s older sister who helps her father run the museum. She is described as beautiful and dutiful, always keeping her cool in the face of threat. Later she offers Miley a job to move around the art supplies.


The game starts on March 22nd and ends on May 30th. The days are separated into 3 parts; Morning, Afternoon and Evening. They can also be separated into Lunchtime, After School and Evening. During the Mornings, Miley can explore the town and raise relationships or repertoire. She can spend time doing homework or work part time. The same thing generally applies in the afternoon. At the evening Miley can save and do various things to raise her repertoire. At lunchtime Miley can do homework, read a mag or talk to friends(will not trigger the level up event). Whenever she travels you are free to use the action buttons over shiny spots to pick up empty bottles which can be turned into money, dog poo or a used up magazine(one time repertoire increase). Miley has 12 stats which can be raise up to a level of 5 which increases the point gain for talking to someone about that certain topic. The twelve stats are Video Games, Music, Fashion, Whodunits, Art, Sports, Cooking, Politics, Romance, Travel, Pet, History. Miley has homework which needs to be finished. She also has a fatigue bar that raises from doing part time jobs or homework. Upon completion of the game, you can move on to new game plus which carries over Miley’s repertoire levels. There are three endings depending on the number of targets recruited; bad ending(0-2), normal ending(3-5) and good ending(6). As Miley’s fatigue meter increases she gets less pay. If her fatigue is over 4 points, she will pass out once she enters her room, ending the evening. Miley can enter hyperactive states on days and get an increase in repertoire boosts and a higher payroll.

Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami – это еще одна игра из списка самых почитаемых критиками в 2012 году. Кроме того, на нашей памяти это, пожалуй, один из самых напряженных 2D-шутеров с видом сверху вниз. Бешеный и экстремальный один-выстрел-одна-смерть геймплей, быстрые воскрешения и уникально брутальная боевая система в наличии.

Hotline Miami особенно хвалят за его, как бы странно это не звучало, жестокое живописание  насилия на фоне сюрреалистичного сюжета

Особое внимание стоит уделить саундтреку – он хорош сам по себе и продается отдельно. Французского синтипопа никогда не бывает слишком много

Кроме того, те, кто посмотрел фильм «Драйв», тоже будут приятно удивлены.

  • ОС: Windows, Mac
  • Демо: нет


Edge заполучил толику внимания на iOS во время небольшой копирайт-заварушки, но в 2011 году игра преспокойно появилась на Steam. В этой версии есть и оригинальная игра, и вышедшее позднее дополнение Edge Extended. Edge представляет собой изометрический паззл-платформер, где игроки управляют кубом, который катится по препятствиям, попутно пробираясь через сложносочиненные уровни и зарабатывая очки. Удивительное разнообразие задачек наряду с простой механикой, включая переключатели, балансирование на движущихся стенах и т.д. Графика довольно проста, но вместе с тем ярка и красочна.

Главное преимущество версии для Steam заключается не в достижениях, а в возможности играть при помощи клавиатуры или контроллера – это гораздо более точные и надежные средства управления, чем тачскрин. По крайней мере, в случае с Edge.

  • ОС: Windows, Mac, Linux
  • Демо: Steam

16: 3D Custom Lady Maker

The single-player video game holds fabulous components, including Visual Novel, Adventure, Simulation, and Character Customization. There is nothing better than having fun with AI when there is nothing to do in real life. The game has featured over 80 custom characters with unique properties and multiple endings. When playing the game, you have a choice of setting the lighting and camera; meanwhile, deciding the starting point. Dozens of accessories are there and the selection of your favorite one may keep…


17: Honey Select Party

Suppose you are eager to play romantic games like Waifu Academy. In that case, we suggest Honey Select Party as it is acknowledged as one of the best anime games offering fun-filled gameplay and a beautiful cast of anime characters. During the game, interacting with NPCs is mandatory to pursue your story. There are dozens of characters, and each one has a unique storyline as well as multiple endings. Decisions you make throughout the game will determine the outcome. Besides…


18: Waifu Academy

If you are searching for Games Like Waifu Academy, you are at the right place. Over five products offer almost similar gameplay and types of characters. Waifu Academy provides a blend of Adventure, Romance, Visual Novel, and Single-player Anime video game elements bringing fabulous gameplay to your table. Waifu Academy was released for PC and ended up without any reason. The game allows you to control a handsome guy from a third-person viewpoint and start flirting with beautiful ladies in…


Comedy Club provides examples of:

  • 13 Is Unlucky: On the evening of April 13, Dina loses money betting on racehorse number 13, which forces Miley and Harriet to order some takeout.
  • The Ace: You can make Miley this with enough replays, from master gamer to Iron Chef-level cooking.
  • All Just a Dream:
  • Absurdly Powerful Student Council: Downplayed, she’s not ordering the PTA or administration around, but Octavia is the person who decides whether or not your club get official funding from the school.
  • Alternate Character Reading: The original game’s title, «manken», is a contraction of «manzai kenkyuubu» (comedy research club), but can easily be read as short for «manga kenkyuubu» (manga research club) instead. One character makes that mistake when Miley first talks about her new club. It’s changed into a pun on «comedy» and «comic» (as in, comic books) in localization.
  • Ambidextrous Sprite: Some of the characters wear shirts have written words on them. When they face right, this trope becomes plainly obvious.
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: But of course.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Not in-game, but the game engine itself. Especially considering RPG Elements below, you look at screenshots, and think it’s a modified version of Ren’py. Nope. The entire game engine is using the RGSS to do one of the most impressive and comprehensive total conversions ever, with NONE of the original engine elements accessible.
  • Club Stub: Unlike in most series, you’re playing as the one eagerly recruiting, rather than the one being eagerly recruited.
  • Cultural Translation

    Now being undone, as the game is re-released with the Japanese names and references restored.

    : The setting and the characters have been renamed into more Western names during localization. This does, however, raise the question of why a school in the United States begins its academic year in April rather than in August or September.

  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life:
  • Like an Old Married Couple: How Vivian views Miley and Octavia’s arguments.
  • Multiple Endings: Depends on how many and which candidates you recruit.
    • Downer Ending / It’s a Wonderful Failure: If you fail to recruit at least three additional members,
    • Golden Ending: If you recruit all possible candidates.
  • New Game Plus: Lets you carry over your Repertoire and knowledge of the candidates’ likes and dislikes, but not anything else.
  • Nintendo Hard: Unless you’ve spoiled the game for yourself or use a guide, it is very very possible you will get the bad ending on your first run.
  • Noble Womans Laugh: Octavia does this to Miley at the beginning of the game when telling her about the new club rules such as having at least five members and only having till the end of April to form her club.
  • Phenotype Stereotype: Vivian and Marion, who are blonde and blue-eyed, but only in the Japanese version does this trope apply, as all the other characters are Japanese
  • Punny Name: Miley Verisse… Verisse Miley… Very Smiley. It’s so punny it stings. Her Japanese name, Hibisu Mairu (As in, Hibi Smile, a smile every day), is just as punny.
  • Race Lift: The English-language version.
  • Relationship Values: Each of the club member candidates can be talked into joining if you chat with them about their favorite topics. How well this works depends on Miley’s own knowledge of the subject, and each topic can only be used once per candidate per game.
  • Rich Bitch: Octavia. She even boasts of having a fondness for Earl Grey tea.
  • RPG Elements: Rather than adventurer levels and experience points, Miley’s skills are judged across 12 different conversation topics — Video Games, Politics, Romance, Fashion, etc. — and doing certain activities around town (reading magazines, watching TV, etc.) will increase those levels, allowing her to more easily befriend the six possible club recruit candidates.
  • Shout-Out: Full of them; no surprise, given that Tezuka Productions (known for localizing the Ace Attorney games) helped with the translation.
  • Save Point: Miley can only save the game by talking to Harriet in the dorm after hours.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Miley and Cindy.
  • Walking the Earth: Miley goes on adventures every year, and has just come back from one at the start of the game.

Torchlight II

Оригинальный Torchlight, разработанный группой бывших сотрудников Blizzard, уже успел заработать некоторую известность на Xbox 360, однако сиквел вышел только на PC. Torchlight II гораздо больше оригинала – помимо мультиплеера игра получила  более увесистую историю.

Вы больше не ограничены одним городом и кучкой подземелий, т.к. сиквел водит игрока по локациям и пещерам, которые разбросаны по всему миру. Более того, вам доступны новые классы персонажей. В оригинале после завершения игры персонаж благополучно уходит в отставку, но в Torchlight II появился режим New Game Plus – теперь можно начинать новую игру своим старым персонажем, встречая все новые и новые челленджи.

Cherry Tree High Comedy Club

Вы когда-нибудь хотели поиграть в Persona 3 или 4, но только с социальными контактами и фрагментами из повседневной жизни? Ведь Cherry Tree High Comedy Club как раз об этом. Игра разворачивается вокруг повседневной жизни студента средней школы, который во время летних каникул пытается открыть свой комедийный клуб, набирая в него своих друзей. Игроки изучают город и общаются с персонажами, попутно балансируя на грани между различными вариантами бытовухи и повседневности: домашними делами, работой и всевозможными хобби. Cherry Tree живет и дышит при помощи своих уникальных персонажей и диалогов – своеобразный видеоигровой эквивалент сериалов о жизни учеников средней школы.


Prosperity Shrine — You can talk to Elise here to work part time. You make about $10 at most. Curtis can be found here in the afternoons. Vivian can be found in the mornings.

The Campbell Residence — A big Japanese-style house. It is the home of Curtis and Stan. This is where Miley first meets Stan the Comedy Man.

Cherry Hill Park — The plaza fountain park. Vivian can be found here in the mornings, Sara is here at the afternoons with Roland.

Cherry Tree High School — A place where you can find information on the bookshelf. Miley can also do homework on the table or read a mag(Little boost to Fashion or Politics) from the shelf.

Magazine Title Release Date Price Stat Boosted Description
Mystery Movie Monthly 3/31 4.80 Whodunits A whodunit mag with author interviews.
Rock You! Start 3.80 Music An international music magazine.
«Dieu et L’Artiste» Start 6.00 Art A long-running art critique magazine.
Bygone Times 3/31 3.60 History A mag that covers American culture and history.
Politics Today Start 5.50 Politics A mag of world political news.
3 Little Words Start 5.00 Romance A mag with romantic advice & date spots.
En Vogue Start 6.00 Fashion A fashion mag for teens.
Great Wild Outdoors Start 3.80 Travel An outdoor guide for hikers & campers.
It’s a Pet’s Life Start 4.50 Pet A pets mag with lots of cute animal pictures.
Game On! 4/7 4.00 Video Games The popular gaming mag.
Sports Illuminated 4/7 4.60 Sports A mag for avid sports fans.
Truly Scrumptious 4/7 3.30 Cooking A mag that carries a wide variety of recipes.
Item Effect Price Description
Cuppa Tea Lowers Fatigue 1.20 A lovely, refreshing cuppa tea!
Mocha Choca Cola Raises chance for hyperactivity 1.20 A potent energy-boosting soda drink.
Zap Energy Drink Lowers Fatigue; ??? 2.00 A healthy drink full of vitamins and minerals.
Jelly Donut Lowers Fatigue 1.00 A good old jelly donut!
Hot Pocket Lowers Fatigue 1.80 Hot and tasty. Never mind what’s inside.
Spicey Corn Dog It’s a mystery 1.80 The corn dog with a bite.
Double Fine Pizza Slice Lowers Fatigue; ??? 2.50 A pizza with double the toppings.
Hero Rangers Figure Lowers Fatigue When Sleeping 12.00 It’s Miley’s favorite Hero Ranger.

Orchard Shopping Precinct — The shopping district in the game. Here you can go to the Loco Moco and order food(Raises cooking), Go to the Capital Books and order various magazines. You can go to Luv Mart and buy items that lower your fatigue. Harriet can be talked to here as well as Sara in the Mornings. May is here at the afternoon.

Cherry Tree Station — The new entertainment place for the young folk. You can watch a movie at Cinema Paper Moon(Boost to a stat depending on the movie) for $15 or $10 on Mondays. For $5 raise your video game skill at the arcade. Spend $1 to go to the crane game and have a chance at winning Fatigue reducing dolls. Buy a beverage at the vending machine. Tyler can be found here in the mornings. Cindy is here at the afternoon.

Cherry Tree Port Garden — The garden and art museum that opens up at 3/30. You can go inside the Art Museum and look at oil paintings(Raises Art) for $10, go to the Fashion Parade(Fashion) for $12. You can also listen to a guest speaker(Varies). Tyler is here in the afternoon, Cindy in the Mornings. After reaching rank 2 with Vivian you can work part time at the Museum making $20.

In Front of Unity Dormitory — You can buy things from the vending machine or check the Notice Board for guest speakers. You can also go to the Dormitory which moves onto the next time slot. May can be found here in the mornings.

Miley and Harriet’s Room — Only accessible in the evening. You can talk to Harriet and save. Do homework on the desk or make phone calls with your targets. Miley can also make jewelry on the table for $5 or watch tv(random stat). She can rest early on her bed(Fatigue down) or read a mag(depends on the magazine).

FTL: Faster Than Light

FTL – это одна из самых любимых критиками игр 2012 года, которая являет собой roguelike, где вы командуете экипажем космического корабля, попутно пролетая мимо рандомизированных звездных систем, встречая вражеские корабли, торговцев, аварийные радиобуйки, а также новых членов экипажа. Каждая смерть и рестарт дают возможность начать с новым кораблем и новой командой.

В бою вы не только принимаете наступательные и оборонительные решения, но и управляете силой своего корабля, а также всевозможными внутренними условиями, например, уровнем кислорода или пожарными ситуациями. FTL, пожалуй, такая же сложная и аддитивная, как и Rogue Legacy.

  • ОС: Windows, Mac, Linux
  • Демо: нет
  • Наш обзор FTL

Rogue Legacy

Rogue Legacy – это игра жанра roguelike, которая использует элементы жанра metroidvania, рандомно генерируя сайд-скроллерные замки для того, чтобы вы совали туда свой любопытный геймерский нос. После каждой смерти вы начинаете играть новым персонажем, который будет следующим по счету родственником погибшему герою – он может взять один из нескольких классов и обзавестись способностями вроде близорукости, нарушения роста или дислексии. Игра начинается очень брутально, но позволяет проапргейдить своего персонажа при помощи золота и через какое-то время становится довольно захватывающей. Еще бы, вы только взгляните на местную рандомизацию.

I! My! Girls! provides examples of:

  • Censor Box: Used as a gag in episode 8. When Mairu talks about Yoriko, her portrait briefly displays her eyes being covered with a censor bar, as if she were a witness to a crime. Mairu: «She seemed so quiet, but I knew she would snap someday.»
  • Creative Differences: This was the reason why the first Cherry Tree High Comedy Club broke up.
  • The Force Is Strong with This One: When Ai first enters Cherry Tree High, Chitose easily notices her star power aura (visibly indicated by a white-and-yellow light effect surrounding Ai) and tells her to tone it down because she can’t bear it.
  • Gratuitous Italian: Utena peppers her speech with Italian words, to show her sophisticated status.
  • Shout-Out: Some episode titles are obvious references to other media.
    • Episode 1: SuperDuperVisor
    • Episode 9: Fruits Basketcase
    • Episode 10: The Taming of the Shrew
  • Sick Episode: Episode 5 focuses on Hoemi getting sick, which forces her to skip club activities.


Throughout the game there are 6 people who Miley can build up relationships and convince to join the CTHCC. Miley can build up relationships by hanging out with them and talking about things they like from her Repertoire. At rank 2 she’ll obtain their phone number. At rank 5 they join the CTHCC.

Sara Croft — The first of Miley’s targets. She transfers into Miley’s dorm in the month of March and is extremely attached to her dog. She finds herself enjoying manga and anime. She decides to join the CTHCC after realizing that Miley’s brightness can allow her to have the fun school life she always wanted. She is a kind girl but finds herself unable to speak up to boys or girls. She had to cope with the death of her grandfather and finds her relief in her dog, Roland.

May Bonbon — She is a freshman at Cherry Tree High and one of Miley’s old friends. She really admires and respects Miley, looking up to her. She often asks her grandfather or Miley for help when she needs to make a decision. She works part time at her Grandfather’s candy store, Mom & Pop Rock Candy. Rebecca comes offering a deal to close down the store in exchange for the chain Sweet Sweets. She comes to realize that she loves working at the candy store and all the people’s memories of shopping there. After that realization she hands in her application to Miley.

Curtis Campbell — The son of Stan the Comedy Man. Curtis is a pretty boy who has won the hearts of half the girls at school. He acts cold towards his father and letting that affect his view of Comedy and his Father’s comedy. After Miley’s persistent attempts, he gives comedy a try. Miley points out that he may have more talent for writing. He goes to a comedy club to watch his father preform and enjoys himself. After being able to come to terms with his family he goes to Miley and turns in his application.

Cindy Smith — One of Miley’s old childhood friends. She is into whatever is punk and skips school nearly everyday. She plays music with her band and works part time to support herself. Despite what she says, she is happier when she’s with Miley. Miley and Cindy used to practice music together in the past for a school play and that was when Cindy realized how fun music was with other people. She hands in her club application to Miley to help her with her dream.

Tyler Perez — Tyler has potential for management and seeks out everything about celebrity talent. He knows everything about all the female students at school. He is caught spying on Harriet by Miley trying to catch her stalker. Miley introduces all the potential talent to Tyler after which he is more than willing to join her club.

Vivian Bergman — She’s a 1st year foreign exchange student from Sweden. She’s a bright, cheery girl, always excited by new things. Her father is a huge America fan which passed down to her. She meets Miley after asking her and Harriet to manage the lines. The two quickly become friends. Vivian proves to be talented in many sports where Octavia then tries to get her to join the Hockey Team. Miley shows Vivian around town. One day Vivian collapses from all the stress. To which point that she confesses to Miley about being the only sincere person to her. She hands Miley three papers. A love letter that was given to Vivian, an offer to enter a modeling competition and her club application.

Target Huge Fan Likes Dislikes Neutral
Sara Croft Pets Video Games, Whodunits, Romance Sports, Travel Music, Art, History, Politics, Fashion, Cooking
Tyler Perez Romance Music, Video Games Whodunits, Art History, Politics, Fashion, Sports, Travel, cooking, Pets
Curtis Campbell Politics, Cooking Whodunits, Video Games, Music, Fashion History, Art, Romance, Sports, Travel, Pets
Vivian Bergman History Art, Sports Whodunits, Politics Music, Romance, Cooking, Pets, Travel, Video Games, Fashion
May Bonbon Sports Travel, Pets, History Romance, Music Video Games, Whodunits, Art, Politics, Fashion, Cooking
Cindy Smith Music, Fashion Video Games History, Romance, Cooking Whodunits, Art, Politics, Sports, Travel, Pets


Gunpoint – это адвенчура, которая в основном развлекает игрока головоломками и стелсом. Основная механика этих 2D-уровней заключается в том, чтобы прыгать на огромные расстояния, прилипать к стенам и потолкам, а также ковыряться во всевозможных девайсах, будь то переключатели света, двери или даже вражеское оружие. К примеру, вы можете перенастроить переключатель таким образом, чтобы он открыл защищенную паролем дверь. Или еще более безумный пример – можно отрегулировать оружие охранника так, что при нажатии на курок в помещении будет гаснуть свет. А теперь попробуйте поставить себя на место ошеломленного секьюрити.

Игра поощряет игрока, чтобы тот искал собственные пути прохождения. Кроме того, Gunpoint рассказывает нуар-историю о шпионаже, убийстве и, конечно же, тайне – и все это в комплекте с промокшими до нитки задниками, тренчевыми плащами и мягкой джазовой музыкой.

14: Snow Daze: The Music of Winter

Snow Daze: The Music of Winter is an Anime and Single-player video game released Outbreak Games. There is no option other than having fun with others whenever you get trapped in a house. The same happens with Jason who needs to attract others using her musical talent. During the gameplay, the player plays audio files through the vents from an attic room to attract others. Every choice does matter; therefore, paying attention to everyone is mandatory. Lots of achievements are…


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Are you looking for Adult-oriented Dating Simulation games? If so, you are at the right place because we have compiled a list of Games Like Summertime Saga, which is a dating sim game. Summertime Saga is in development, but it will soon be released entirely for everyone. Now, you can try its uncompleted version to check what the gameplay would be like upon release. The storyline starts in a small town where he recently joins a college but gets upset…


16: 3D Custom Lady Maker

The single-player video game holds fabulous components, including Visual Novel, Adventure, Simulation, and Character Customization. There is nothing better than having fun with AI when there is nothing to do in real life. The game has featured over 80 custom characters with unique properties and multiple endings. When playing the game, you have a choice of setting the lighting and camera; meanwhile, deciding the starting point. Dozens of accessories are there and the selection of your favorite one may keep…


17: Honey Select Party

Suppose you are eager to play romantic games like Waifu Academy. In that case, we suggest Honey Select Party as it is acknowledged as one of the best anime games offering fun-filled gameplay and a beautiful cast of anime characters. During the game, interacting with NPCs is mandatory to pursue your story. There are dozens of characters, and each one has a unique storyline as well as multiple endings. Decisions you make throughout the game will determine the outcome. Besides…


18: Waifu Academy

If you are searching for Games Like Waifu Academy, you are at the right place. Over five products offer almost similar gameplay and types of characters. Waifu Academy provides a blend of Adventure, Romance, Visual Novel, and Single-player Anime video game elements bringing fabulous gameplay to your table. Waifu Academy was released for PC and ended up without any reason. The game allows you to control a handsome guy from a third-person viewpoint and start flirting with beautiful ladies in…



Будучи одной из самых известных игр Xbox Live, FEZ являет собой адвенчурный платформер, который не предлагает ничего более, кроме решения всевозможных паззлов. А что еще нужно для счастья? В основе лежит графический стиль, свойственный старым 2D-играм, но к нему прикручена возможность поворачивать окружающее пространство по вертикальной оси, словно вы какой-нибудь пиксельный бог. А это побуждает игроков изучать здешние сайд-скроллерные локации с совершенно разных углов.

Кроме того, FEZ требует от вас глубочайшего исследования окружающей вас обстановки, чтобы в конце концов разгадать секреты игрового мира в целом.

  • ОС: Windows
  • Демо: нет
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: