Destroy all humans! big willy unleashed



Big Willy Unleashed takes place after Destroy All Humans! 2 and before Path of the Furon. The game is set in 1975, 6 years after Destroy All Humans! 2. Cryptosporidium 138 and his mentor, Orthopox 13, attempt to support the popularity of Big Willy, a fast food restaurant Orthopox owns. Pox reveals that the Big Willy food franchise is actually a scheme to dispose of the human bodies Crypto leaves lying around.


Crypto and Pox are watching TV in Harbor City and happen upon the evening news. Bill Kincaid, a news reporter, announces that the Big Willy Corporation has opened its fifth-hundred restaurant, and that President Huffman has resigned, implying that Crypto gave up on controlling the American Government. The news is then interrupted by the missing heiress named Patty Wurst (a parody of Patricia Hearst) using a pirated television signal to appear on the channel. She reveals that Big Willy is using human corpses to grind up and feed to the public and that a shipment of meat supply is going to dock at the Harbor to prove her case.

Before Crypto kills Patty Wurst, in the new Big Willy mech, Pox figures out that his actual enemy is Colonel Kluckin (a parody of Colonel Sanders), the owner of a competing fast-food restaurant, and that he might be a threat to the Big Willy franchise. Pox sends Crypto to Fairfield in rural Kentucky, home of the new Big Willy restaurant, to see if he can find a lead to where Kluckin might be hiding. After Crypto lands, Pox notices that a group of roller blade girls skate out of the Big Willy restaurant holding a briefcase. Inside is the secret recipe for the Big Willy fast food. Crypto finds them in the back of an alleyway; he kills all of them except for their leader, Mindy Peters, who manages to hide. She appears in front of Crypto, proclaiming that the Furons and the Big Willy franchise will be brought down. Attacking Crypto, she escapes. Pox informs Crypto that his weapons and jet pack are broken. He returns to the saucer and kills more of the roller blade girls. Afterwards, Crypto body snatches the Corncob King, the boyfriend to Mindy Peters. He meets her at a phone booth, after which he jumps out and electrocutes her. Finally, Pox orders Crypto to destroy all of Fairfield (except for his restaurant) to wipe all traces of their endeavors and head off to the next area.

Pox brings Crypto to Fantasy Atoll, an Island located near Malaysia, as a tactic to beat Colonel Kluckin. There, Crypto meets Mr. Pork, the man who ran the island, and Ratpoo, his servant (both parody of Fantasy Island characters Mr. Roarke and Tatoo). Mr. Pork promises Pox a new body and Pox agrees. Crypto must find parts to build a new body, but it turns out to be a hoax and it blasts Pox somewhere on the other side of the island. Crypto finds the module broken. A Furon Customer Support Representative instructs Crypto on how to repair the damaged HoloPox Unit, Pox is then restored and wants revenge. Crypto hypnotizes Ratpoo, who jumps into the Atoll’s active volcano while carrying Pork. To their surprise, Mr. Pork survives and attacks with the Hate Boat, a giant warship. After destroying the hate boat, Pox and Crypto go to Vietmahl to find Colonel Kluckin.

In Vietmahl, Kluckin reveals that he has been gathering the corpses from the war to grind into his own food products and Crypto and Pox confront a traitorous Big Willy employee named Trahn, who turns out to be a double agent with Kluckin. After successfully completing several objectives, including killing Trahn, Crypto climbs inside the Big Willy mech and manages to defeat Kluckin in a robotic rock Vietmahlese temple god. However, upon defeating Kluckin, Pox claims that he’s done with fast food. Though angered by Pox abruptly giving up on the restaurant after just defeating Kluckin, Crypto gleefully takes the profits from the restaurant and tells Pox that he will make the business transactions from now on and that has an idea for the money that involves a «little town in Nevada», as the both of them walk off into the distance.

1 Destroy All Humans! 2

Destroy All Humans 2 is a fantastic example of a sequel done right. The game takes the fun aspects of the first game and builds upon it. Destroy All Humans 2 takes place in 1969, ten years after the events of the first game. A new clone, Cryptosporidium-138, has to take over the previous clone’s mission of posing as the President of the United States while also seeking out revenge for the destruction of the Furon mothership. The game has a more in-depth story than its predecessor, with a variety of side quests too.

Destroy All Humans 2 has enhanced graphics, the weapons have been improved, and there are more features to play around with, including the destructive meteor strike! There are even minor ease-of-life improvements, such as the option to skip the cutscene for getting into the flying saucer.

With Destroy All Humans 2 having a more open-world feel, the player has countless opportunities to cause mayhem. The sequel took the franchise’s central concept and went wild with it. It’s a fantastic experience and well worth playing. It seems that a remake for this classic game is in the works, although nothing official has been released yet.

Destroy All Tropes!

  • The ’70s: Disco, rollerskates and Vietnam War a-plenty.
  • Alternate Continuity: Big Willy Unleashed is considered non-canon to the series as a whole.
  • Bland-Name Product: The titular restaurant mascot / Humongous Mecha from Big Willy Unleashed is suspiciously similar to the mascot of the Big Boy restaurant chain.
  • Cleanup Crew: The Big Willy restaurant chain was created specifically to dispose of the corpses Crypto leaves behind after he harvests their brains.
  • Dating What Daddy Hates: Orthopox reveals that in his youth, he dated a rich Furon girl — Ecoli — who only dated him so that her dad would give her a new hovercar. Orthopox had been bitter about it ever since, this being why he hates the trust-fund baby Patty Wurst so much.
  • Deadly Gas: Weaponized as Big Willy’s Windbreaker.
  • Double Entendre: Most of the jokes in this game are centered around the many puns and innuendos one can make from «Big Willy».
  • Easter Egg: There is one in Vietmahl. Once the game is completed, Crypto can go to a temple ruins and activate a statue that summons a large group of Furons.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Parodied. When Kluckin’ offers Crypto the chance to team-up and combine their companies, Crypto would have been just fine with that. The only problem is that Kluckin’ is also grinding up the brains, and since Big Willy was meant to be nothing more than a Cleanup Crew for his hunt for those brains, he acts as though this is what makes Kluckin’s methods so deplorable. Crypto: You’d grind people up into chicken dingers with the cortexes? You’re Insane!, Kluckin’!
  • Everything Fades: Lampshaded by Crypto when Pox explains how he makes fast food. Pox: Crypto, what do you think happens to the corpses of all the humans of whom you suck out the brain stems? Crypto: I always figured they just faded away when I went around the corner.
  • Everything’s Deader with Zombies: The Zombie Gun lets Crypto turn humans into zombie-minions.
  • Gaiden Game: A spin-off for the Nintendo Wii which pretty much stood on its own with no regard for canon or continuity.
  • Gratuitous Disco Sequence: Set in The ’70s, Pox plans to use disco to brainwash the world’s population, which disgusts Crypto, who proceeds to bash the genre.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: .
  • Human Resources: Big Willy’s is a fast food shop which makes hot dogs out of the humans that have had their brain stems removed.

No Celebrities Were Harmed: Patty Wurst is a very obvious parody of Patty Hearst.

  • Running Gag:
    • Pox talking about his «Big Willy», unaware of what it sounds like to Crypto.
    • Kluckin’ pronouncing the Big Willy Mech as a «robut», only for Crypto to try and get him to pronounce it correctly.
  • Series Continuity Error: This game supposedly takes place as a prequel to Path of the Furon, but it barely has anything to do with the game, except that Crypto used the profits to create the space dust casino, which is completely false as Crypto crashed into it while drunk, and after Pox re-cloned him, they made it home sweet home.
  • Take That!: Pox admits that he works with the USDA in using human-meat to feed the public. He’s able to get away with it because there is a Republican in the White House and that he’s allowing to do this as long as the meat is «American-grown.»
  • Tropical Island Adventure: Fantasy Atoll, which is located near Malaysia, according to the navicom.

Сюжет игры

Крипто решает использовать новый бизнес-подход и стать частью этой сети фаст-фудов. Он использует свои инопланетные способности, чтобы взорвать конкурентов и захватить рынок. Однако, его планы находятся под угрозой, когда на Землю прибывает другое инопланетное существо под названием «Зеленый Берет», которое тоже хочет завоевать планету.

Крипто и Зеленый Берет начинают конкурировать друг с другом, устраивая различные зловещие планы и операции, чтобы завоевать рынок фаст-фудов. Игрок должен помочь Крипто победить Зеленого Берета и захватить рынок, используя свои инопланетные способности и привлекая в свою команду других инопланетных существ.

Однако, когда Крипто наконец побеждает Зеленого Берета и становится на вершине рынка фаст-фудов, он обнаруживает, что его планы на завоевание Земли могут быть нарушены другими инопланетными существами, которые также хотят завладеть планетой. Игрок должен помочь Крипто защитить свою новую империю и завоевать планету, используя все свои инопланетные способности и знания.

Описание героев и персонажей

Основной герой игры, представленный в виде пришельца с другой планеты. Крипто обладает различными сверхспособностями, такими как телекинез, термокинез и телепатия, которые помогают ему выполнить свою миссию — захватить Землю.

2. Покупатель магазина (The Shopper)

Персонаж, который часто появляется на экране во время игры. Покупатель магазина — это обычный человек, который покупает товары в магазине Big Willy’s. Он может быть использован как мишень во время игры.

3. Биг Уилли (Big Willy)

Огромный роботизированный персонаж, который является владельцем сети фастфудов Big Willy’s. Биг Уилли действует как босс игры, и Крипто должен победить его, чтобы добиться своей цели.

4. Генерал Армстронг (General Armstrong)

Персонаж, который является высокопоставленным офицером американской армии. Он является одним из главных антагонистов игры и пытается остановить Крипто и его планы захвата Земли.

5. Гигантские курицы (Giant Chickens)

Персонажи, которые появляются на экране во время игры и могут быть использованы как оружие. Гигантские курицы — это мутанты, созданные Крипто, чтобы помочь ему в борьбе против врагов. Они могут атаковать и разрушать все вокруг.

Войны роботов


Предполагается, что большой достопримечательностью станет гигантский робот Big Willy. Вы можете заставить его собирать машины и использовать их, чтобы разбивать вещи, съедать людей, чтобы восстановить здоровье, и сжигать вещи лазерами. Также он может делать гигантское пердеж ха-ха-ха! Bumbums boobies peepee poopoo молочный лимонад за углом шоколад заставил меня нанести себе вред, потому что это единственный способ почувствовать себя живым.

Большого Вилли утомительно контролировать. Вы используете нунчук, чтобы перемещать его и управлять камерой, поворачивая пульт, и все это кажется очень медленным. Таким же образом управляется летающая тарелка, которой вы управляете. Вы могли подумать, что инопланетная цивилизация, способная изобрести летающие тарелки, могла бы придумать способ заставить их путешествовать со скоростью более полумили в час, но, очевидно, нет.

Одиночная игра, к счастью, коротка, а многопользовательская — забавно. Есть две целые миссии. Но ждать! Вы можете играть в них совместно или в соревновании! Нет, вы не можете пройти сюжетный режим с другом. Да, даже если это можно было сделать в Destroy All Humans 2. Будьте благодарны.

Подводя итог, Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed — это бросок. Управление заставляет играть в игру, как будто вы пытаетесь мыть посуду палочками для еды, используя сабо вместо резиновых перчаток. Это выглядит отвратительно. Сценарий ужасающий. Из-за шуток кажется, что те, что были на «Вы подставили», были написаны Биллом Хиксом. Нет, нет, нет, нет, нет, нет, нет.



Big Willy Unleashed takes place before the events of Path of the Furon. The game is set in 1975, 6 years after Destroy All Humans! 2 (1969). Cryptosporidium 138 and his mentor, Orthopox 13, attempt to support the popularity of Big Willy’s, a fast food restaurant Orthopox owns. Pox reveals that the Big Willy food franchise is actually a scheme to dispose of the human bodies Crypto leaves lying around.


Crypto and Pox are watching television and happen upon the evening news. Bill Kincaid, a news reporter, announces that the Big Willy Corporation has opened its five-hundredth restaurant, and that President Huffman has resigned, implying that Crypto gave up on controlling the American Government. The news is then interrupted by the missing heiress named Patty Wurst using a pirated television signal to appear on the channel. She reveals that Big Willy is using human corpses to grind up and feed to the public and that a shipment of meat supply is going to dock at Harbor City to prove her case.

After Crypto kills Patty Wurst, in the new Big Willy mech, Pox figures out that his actual enemy is Colonel Kluckin’, the owner on a competing fast-food restaurant, and that he might be a threat to the Big Willy franchise.

Pox sends Crypto to Fairfield, home of the new Big Willy restaurant, to see if he can find a lead to where Kluckin might be hiding. After Crypto lands, Pox notices that a group of Roller Girls skate out of the Big Willy restaurant holding a briefcase. Inside is the secret recipe for the Big Willy fast food. Crypto finds them in the back of an alleyway; he destroys all of them except for Mindy Peters, their leader that somehow manages to hide. Later, she appears in front of Crypto and tells him that the Furon species and the Big Willy franchise will be brought down. Attacking Crypto, she escapes. Pox informs Crypto that his weapons and jet pack are broken. He returns to the saucer and cripples the Roller Girls’ operations. Afterwards, Crypto body snatches the Corncob King, the boyfriend to Mindy Peters. He meets her at a phone booth, after which he jumps out and electrocutes her to death. Pox orders Crypto to destroy all of Fairfield (except for his restaurant) to wipe all traces of evidence that could smear the Big Willy name and head off to the next area.

Pox brings Crypto to Fantasy Atoll, an Island located near Malaysia, as a tactic to beat Colonel Kluckin’. There, Crypto meets Mr. Pork, the man who ran the island, and Ratpoo, his servant. Mr. Pork promises Pox a new body and Pox agrees to his offer and temporarily gives up on their mission. Crypto must find parts to build a new body, but it turns out to be a hoax and it blasts Pox somewhere on the other side of the island. Crypto finds the module broken. A Furon Customer Support representative instructs Crypto on how to repair the damaged Holopox unit, Pox is then restored and wants revenge. Crypto hypnotizes Ratpoo, who grabs Pork and throws themselves into the volcano. To their surprise, Mr. Pork survives and attacks with the Hate Boat, a giant warship. After destroying the Hate Boat, Pox and Crypto go to Vietmahl to find Colonel Kluckin’.

In Vietmahl, Kluckin’ reveals that he has been carting off corpses from the Vietmahl war into meat for his restaurants, copying Big Willy’s meat idea. Crypto and Pox confront a Big Willy employee named Trahn, who turns out to be a double agent for Kluckin’. After successfully completing several objectives, including killing Trahn, Crypto climbs inside the Big Willy mech and manages to defeat Kluckin’ in a robotic Vietmahlese temple god. However, upon defeating Kluckin’, Pox claims that he’s done with fast food. Though angered by Pox for abruptly giving up on the restaurant after just now defeating Kluckin’, Crypto gleefully takes the profits from the restaurant and tells Pox that he will make the business transactions from now on and that has an idea for their newly acquired money that involves a «little town in Nevada», as the both of them walk off into the distance.

Game Review

When the original Destroy All Humans! first hovered on the horizon, it was praised by some for an acerbic sense of humor and the way it satirically set 1950s-era sci-fi fare on its ear. Instead of focusing on an Earth-saving hero, the game’s creators strapped gamers into the gravitational boots of a little gray-green man from outer space called Crypto. The diminutive saucer-jockey—who sounded like a smarmy Jack Nicholson—went about gathering human DNA and following the mankind-killing dictates of a holographic alien leader named Pox.

This third entry in the franchise, Destroy All Humans!: Big Willy Unleashed, jumps ahead 20 years to the bell-bottom-wearing ’70s and finds the two aliens still blasting and quipping their way toward world dominance. Well … to be honest, it’s Pox who’s still determined to rule the global roost. All Crypto really wants to do is kick back and watch TV sitcoms about “human mating.” But Pox hustles him out to perpetrate his latest scheme and protect a chain of fast-food businesses he’s created called Big Willy’s. The cosmic boss has decided that capitalism is the best way to conquer Earth. As well as a great way to recycle all the dead bodies that have been stacking up from the past two games. (Would you like fries and a shake with that?)

Set Phaser to Zombie
As Crypto, players must fulfill missions that include blasting police, burning down competing burger joints and diffusing protests by a group of activists who have stumbled on the cannibalistic truth. To accomplish these quests, you use the three-foot tall warrior’s special mind-control abilities to impersonate and mingle with the earthmen. And when an alien’s gotta kill who he’s gotta kill, you wield an arsenal of fancy weapons¬—including a lightning-charged Zap-O-Matic, a zombie-making gun, a shrink ray and an anal probe that shoots a projectile up a person’s backside and causes the victim’s head to explode.

To further the human-splattering offensive, you can also climb into Crypto’s spacecraft and levitate cars and trucks to crowd-squishing effect or laser-fry an unruly group of protestors en masse. Later in the game you gain control of a 25-foot-tall mechanized Big Willy statue that can pick up terrified people and throw them to their demise or pop their heads in its mouth for a crunchy, energy-delivering snack.

Sound violent? Well, it is—in a slapstick kind of way. The game keeps its ESRB-assigned T rating by shooting laser beams, bouncing brains, charring people and spattering green gook, but refraining from splashing realistic blood and guts across the screen.

Like past Destroy All Humans! titles, getting from here to there is fairly easy with an open world type of gameplay. The Wii’s motion-sensing remote gives things a bit of a different twist, however. Moving Crypto and his vehicle of choice around involves a lot of doorknob-like twisting and turning of the controller, instead of analog button flicking, which doesn’t always make the going easier. And the aim-and-pull trigger action gives the game a gun-like quality that’s unsettling, even in a broad adventure title.

Don’t Leave Mars Without Wit
For all the trigger-pulling remote action and repetitive blasts, bonks and brain blow-outs, though, it’s the tiresome flood of sexual innuendo that really pins the yuck meter. Crypto and Pox must have left their joke books in their other spacecraft because all we get is a constant bombardment of genitalia references and comments about female anatomy. (The game’s subtitle gives you an idea of the sophomoric double entendres that fill the dialogue.)


Aggregate scores
Aggregator Score
GameRankings 53.5% (based on 44 media outlets)
Metacritic 53/100 (based on 40 reviews)
Review scores
Publication Score C+
GameSpot 5.5/10
IGN 5.8/10
Nintendo Power 7.0/10
Gaming Trend 77%
GameZone 5.5/10
Eurogamer 3.0/10

Big Willy Unleashed received with mixed reviews. Many critics criticized the game’s graphics, with GameZone stating that «the game looks like a GameCube title with good lighting and visual effects but blocky buildings and character models.»IGN agreed, citing better graphics on the last-gen Destroy All Humans! games.1UP also cited poor multiplayer, saying « provides very little content, and what’s provided is downright terrible.» Regarding its place in the game’s series, IGN stated that «It’s still fun to go nuts with the anal probe gun, rip heads off of pedestrians with the giant arms of Big Willy, and chuckle at the campy VO«.


Aggregate score
Aggregator Score
Metacritic 53/100
Review scores
Publication Score C+
EGM 5/10
Eurogamer 3/10
Game Informer 5/10
GameRevolution C
GameSpot 5.5/10
GameZone 5.5/10
IGN 5.8/10
Nintendo Power 7/10

Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed received «mixed or average» reviews, according to review aggregator Metacritic.

Many critics criticized the game’s graphics, with GameZone stating that «the game looks like a GameCube title with good lighting and visual effects but blocky buildings and character models».

1UP also cited poor multiplayer, saying «multiplayer provides very little content, and what’s provided is downright terrible».

Regarding its place in the game’s series, IGN stated that «it’s still fun to go nuts with the anal probe gun, rip heads off of pedestrians with the giant arms of Big Willy, and chuckle at the campy VO».

4 Destroy All Humans: Path Of The Furon

By the time Destroy All Humans: Path Of The Furon had been released, the series had lost a lot of its credibility. Following on from Big Willy, the game also takes place in the 1970s. The previous clone crashes into a casino and dies (which seems to be a tradition in the series). A new clone, Crypto 139, is sent to replace them, taking over the casino. From there, the game follows Crypto’s progress in discovering new powers and attempting to stop a scheme to wipe out all Furon DNA. The storyline is a bit of a mess and doesn’t come close to matching the first two games.

As with Big Willy, Path Of The Furon is pretty disappointing. Its jokes are predictable, the dialogue is boring, and the graphics are lacking too. The game still has the chaotic gameplay that players expect from the series, but it isn’t enough to keep most people entertained. Path Of The Furon seemed to be the final nail in the coffin for the series (until the remastered release in 2020). Fans had to be satisfied with hilarious memes instead.

Механика игры

Игровая механика состоит из комбинации экшена и приключения с элементами открытого мира. В игре есть множество миссий и заданий, которые игрок должен выполнить, чтобы продвинуться в игре и достичь своих целей.

Крипто обладает множеством уникальных способностей, которые помогут ему победить человеческих противников. Он может использовать свой знаменитый анальный сосуд для сбора ДНК человеческих жертв, а также для атаки и защиты. Кроме того, Крипто может использовать свой летающий тарелку для перемещения по игровому миру и атаки целей из воздуха.

Одной из ключевых механик игры является Big Willy, огромный робот-продавец еды, созданный Крипто и его союзниками. Игрок может управлять Big Willy и использовать его мощные способности для уничтожения противников и защиты себя.

Кроме того, игра имеет множество различных оружий и способностей, которые игрок может использовать для уничтожения врагов и выполнения заданий. Например, Крипто может использовать свои мозговые способности для управления человеческими противниками и заставить их атаковать своих товарищей.

Общая механика игры базируется на уничтожении человеческих врагов и выполнении заданий, которые помогут Крипто достичь своих целей и завоевать Землю для своей расы.



Вы играете за Crypto и исследуете одну из самых уродливых сред открытого мира. Все блочно и неровно. Текстуры — самая забавная вещь во всей игре. Частота кадров заикается, и всплывающее окно настолько ужасно, что вы почти спотыкаетесь о внутриигровые объекты. Цветовая палитра мерзкая, все грязно-серые и мутные апельсины, и все размыто.

Так что вы будете чувствовать тошноту еще до того, как попытаетесь управлять камерой в игре. Это делается путем наведения на пульт Wii. И пытаюсь справиться с тем, что указатель продолжает прилипать к краю экрана. Иногда игра просто не позволяет двигать камеру по непонятной причине; вы должны сначала использовать нунчук, чтобы переместить Crypto в другое положение. Ваша рука должна всегда находиться под прямым углом. Осмелитесь хоть немного расслабиться, и камера будет бешено крутиться и застрять в стороне от экрана.

Пульт Wii также используется для наведения и стрельбы по врагам. Если вы хотите схватить персонажа, вы должны сначала выстрелить в два движущихся значка. Проблемы с указателем и камерой означают, что все это совсем не весело.

Тем не менее, по крайней мере, оружие веселое! Посмотри на глупца, он бегает, хватаясь за зад, ха-ха-ха! Да, анальный зонд вернулся, и такой же забавный, как и тогда, когда он впервые появился три года назад. Новое оружие включает в себя то, что называется зомби-пушкой и термоусадочным лучом. Невозможно заботиться.


Aside from the main characters, Cryptosporidium and Orthopox, these new characters appear in Big Willy Unleashed:

  • Colonel Kluckin’ — A parody of Colonel Sanders, this southern restaurant tycoon owns and runs «Kluckin’s Kitchen,» a parody of KFC. After many scuffles and run ins with Crypto, he faces his nemesis in Vietmahl in a mechanical version of a rain forest god and subsequently, he is killed as Crypto (in his Big Willy robot) managed to destroy his robot after the intense battle. He is a parody of Colonel Sanders.
  • Patty Wurst — Fashion Supermodel billionaire heiress, turned militant activist anarchist, Patty Wurst, a parody of Patty Hearst, has flair for metaphorical vagaries and misguided social causes. She is defeated by Crypto in his Big Willy robot going against him in a giant combat tank.
  • Mr. Pork — This benevolent owner of Fantasy Atoll has a special medallion made that protects him from Furon weaponry, and also a tall, and faithful, assistant named Ratpoo. Pork is defeated after the death of Ratpoo and the destruction his battleship, the «Hate Boat».
  • Mindy Peters — Mindy is the leader of a gang of Roller Girls armed with antique Furon D-rays. She also has diamond studded brass-knuckles, and her disco ball can blind people. She is vaporized after Crypto disguises himself as an attractive human male (known as the Corncob King) and leads her to her doom.
  • Trahn — Trahn is a Vietnamese that works with Pox in Vietmahl until it is revealed that he is a double agent, and actually works with Colonel Kluckin’. He is eventually killed by Crypto.
  • Blastomycosis (Blasto for short) — A Furon child with features of a human. Little is known about him, except that when Crypto is doing certain jobs, he makes his appearance, showing an ion detonator in his hands and firing a bomb from the detonator to blast a human or a group of humans before taking off. It is later discovered that Blasto was, in fact, the son of Cryptosporidium and Natalya Ivanova. This revealed Crypto and Natalya did have sex in the end of Destroy All Humans! 2, but was originally created by Crypto, who tampered with Natalya’s DNA in the cloning chamber.
  • Toxoplasma Gondii — A snobby bureaucrat and Furon Efficiency Expert who hails from the Furon homeworld, Gondii puts Crypto through a series of tests designed to prove Crypto’s invasion skills while at the same time breaking his spirit. When it is eventually discovered that Gondii is a fraud, posing as an efficiency expert and trying to get Crypto’s spirits down so that he can steal their DNA harvesting operation, Crypto and Pox seize the chance to destroy him, and notify the homeworld, so that his clone would be transferred to Gorta’s Prison Moon.
  • Big Willy — Big Willy is the mech disguised as the Big Willy mascot, used in the game to help protect the restaurant from it’s enemies. It is the only other pilotable Furon vehicle in the series, other than the Saucer.

2 Destroy All Humans! (2020)

A remake of the classic game was released in 2020, allowing both new and old fans another opportunity to dive into the world of Destroy All Humans. The remake doesn’t just enhance the graphics and details of the original, as a lot of effort was put into improving the overall experience. Quality-of-life fixes that the developers implemented in the sequels were brought to the original game’s remake. The gameplay is mostly the same, but with simple changes to the controls and interfaces, it is far more enjoyable to play.

There is a lot of additional content in the game as well, such as unlockable skins. The remake also includes an entirely new level that allows players to explore Area 42. This level was called The Wrong Stuff and was cut from the original release. This addition, along with all the other enhancements, makes the remake well worth a playthrough.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: