Why was left 4 dead 3 cancelled?

Left 4 dead 3

Возможен ли выход игры в ближайшем будущем?

Многие фанаты серии игр Left 4 Dead ждут продолжения третьей части уже много лет. Несмотря на то, что разработчиков из Valve привлекает проектами вроде Half-Life Alyx, существует некоторая надежда на выход Left 4 Dead 3 в ближайшем будущем.

Хотя Valve официально не подтвердили в разработке Left 4 Dead 3, в сети циркулируют слухи о возможной игре. Многие игровые журналисты и знакомые ситуации в индустрии уверены, что Valve не оставят свою популярную франшизу без продолжения. Также, появилась некоторая информация о том, что Valve набирает новую команду разработчиков и ищет сценаристов с опытом работы в жанре зомби-шутеров.

Однако, точной информации о дате выхода игры пока нет. Valve известна своей политикой ждать, пока у них будет что-то новое и интересное для предложения игрокам. Это может означать, что игра может затянуться на неопределенный срок или даже отмениться.

Независимо от всех слухов и предположений, факт остается — многие фанаты по всему миру надеются на появление Left 4 Dead 3 в ближайшем будущем. Отличительные особенности игры, такие как кооперативный режим и захватывающие мультиплеерные сражения, сделали ее особенно популярной среди игроков. Выход новой части серии, с улучшенной графикой и новыми возможностями, станет настоящим подарком для поклонников.

Преимущества выхода игры Недостатки отсутствия игры
Новые возможности и улучшенная графика Отсутствие продолжения актуальной и популярной франшизы
Кооперативный режим и интересный мультиплеер Потеря интереса и лояльности игроков
Завершение истории и решение предыдущих сюжетных завязок Пропадание потенциала и дальнейшего развития серии

Why Won’t Valve Make Left 4 Dead 3?

It’s been over six years since the last Left 4 Dead game was released, and fans are still clamoring for a third installment. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Valve is ever going to make Left 4 Dead 3. Here’s why.

  1. The team that made Left 4 Dead has dispersed.

The original Left 4 Dead development team was composed of some of the most talented people in the industry. Unfortunately, many of them have since left Valve. In fact, the team has been so scattered that it’s doubtful that they could even make a new Left 4 Dead game if they wanted to.

  1. The market for first-person shooters has changed.

When Left 4 Dead was released, it was a breath of fresh air in the first-person shooter market. However, the market has since changed, and there are now many other games that offer a similar experience. This means that there’s less of a need for a Left 4 Dead 3, and that Valve is likely to make more money by focusing on other genres.

  1. The Left 4 Dead franchise is no longer as popular as it once was.

The first Left 4 Dead game was a huge success, but the franchise has since declined in popularity. This is likely due to the fact that the market has changed and there are now many other games that offer a similar experience. As such, there’s less of a need for a Left 4 Dead 3, and it’s unlikely that Valve would make one even if the team was still together.

  1. Valve is focused on other projects.

Valve is currently working on several other projects, such as Half-Life: Alyx and Dota 2. It’s doubtful that they would be able to make a Left 4 Dead 3 even if they wanted to, as they simply don’t have the manpower.

  1. Left 4 Dead 3 would probably be a disappointment.

Given the fact that the market has changed and the original team has dispersed, it’s likely that a Left 4 Dead 3 would be a disappointment. It’s possible that it would be a good game, but it’s unlikely that it would live up to the hype. As such, it’s probably best for Valve to focus on other projects.

Back 4 Blood is basically Left 4 Dead 3

(Image credit: Turtle Rock Studios)

So Valve isn’t making Left 4 Dead 3, but Turtle Rock Studios totally is, though under a different name. Evan has played the co-op zombie game Back 4 Blood and we called in the best co-op game of 2021 in our awards for the year.

«I think that speaks to Back 4 Blood’s strengths over Left 4 Dead 2: It pushes you to try new things, and it’s not only replayable because shooting zombies is fun,» Morgan explains. «It always has a new deckbuild to test out, a gun you’ve barely touched that’s surprisingly good, or a nasty combination of Corruption Cards that puts a novel twist on a mission you’ve done before. It’s Left 4 Dead but more, and often better. Consider that Back 4 Blood has crossplay with every platform and has been on Game Pass since day one, and it’s one of the easiest recommendations of 2021.

It’s not Left 4 Dead 3 in name, but it’s likely the closest that we’ll get anytime soon, so it’s worth keeping an eye on if you’re really, really hungry to bite into some zombie-killing co-op.

Почему игроки ждут новую часть Left 4 Dead

Однако, игре уже более десяти лет, и игроки ждут продолжения. Вот несколько причин, почему новая часть Left 4 Dead так желанна:

1. Уникальный кооперативный геймплей

Left 4 Dead предлагает играть с друзьями в режиме кооператива. Команда из четырех выживших должна сражаться с ордами зомби и преодолевать опасности вместе, сотрудничая и координируя свои действия. Этот формат игры создает неповторимую атмосферу, и новая часть серии может улучшить и разнообразить такой геймплей.

2. Интересные персонажи и атмосфера

Персонажи в Left 4 Dead являются яркими и запоминающимися. У каждого героя есть своя история и уникальные особенности, которые вносят в игру дополнительную глубину. Атмосфера игры, полная напряжения и ужаса, также привлекает игроков и заставляет их возвращаться к игре снова и снова.

3. Возможности новых технологий

С течением времени технологии в игровой индустрии становятся все более совершенными. Улучшенные графика, физика и звуковая составляющая могут значительно повысить реализм и эффекты страха в новой части Left 4 Dead. Игроки ждут, что новая игра воспользуется всеми возможностями современных технологий и предложит им новый, увлекательный опыт.

4. Сетевой режим и пользовательский контент

Left 4 Dead славится своим сетевым режимом, в котором игроки могут совместно пройти кампанию или сразиться друг с другом в режиме PvP. Кроме того, игра имеет огромное количество пользовательского контента, созданного самими игроками. Новая часть игры может предложить игрокам еще больше возможностей для совместной игры и создания собственного контента.

5. Ностальгия и ожидание

Left 4 Dead является культовой игрой для многих геймеров. Игра стала символом зомби-шутеров и оставила глубокий след в сердцах многих игроков. Они с нетерпением ждут нового продолжения, чтобы вновь погрузиться в мир выживания вместе со знакомыми героями.

В связи с этим, игроки надеются, что Valve, разработчик Left 4 Dead, услышит их просьбы и выпустит новую часть серии. Уже много раз появлялись слухи о Left 4 Dead 3, и игроки надеются, что это только вопрос времени, когда они смогут вернуться в мир битвы за выживание и сражаться с ордами зомби вместе со своими друзьями.

Why Won’t There Be A Left 4 Dead 3?

It’s been over six years since the release of Left 4 Dead 2, and fans are still clamoring for a third installment in the popular zombie-shooting franchise. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like Left 4 Dead 3 is going to happen anytime soon. In fact, the game was actually cancelled back in 2017.

So, why was Left 4 Dead 3 cancelled? According to former Valve writer Chet Faliszek, the decision came down to resources. At the time, Valve was working on several other big projects, including Half-Life 3 and Half-Life: Alyx. With so much already on their plate, they simply didn’t have the manpower to give Left 4 Dead the attention it deserved.

It’s a shame that Left 4 Dead 3 never came to fruition, but at least we have the two excellent games that came before it to enjoy. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll see a surprise release of Left 4 Dead 3. But for now, we’ll just have to keep hope alive.

Утечки информации о игре

С момента анонса игры Left 4 Dead 3 фанаты ожидают с нетерпением новых подробностей и утечек информации о проекте. За долгие годы разработки игры в сети появлялись слухи и ложные утверждения, которые ставили в замешательство поклонников. Однако, некоторые утечки оказались правдивыми и порадовали фанатов.

Одна из самых значительных утечек произошла в 2019 году, когда в сеть попали концепт-арты и скриншоты, предположительно, из игры Left 4 Dead 3. Утечка вызвала огромный ажиотаж среди поклонников, которые оценили новые локации, персонажей и дизайн уровней. Впечатляющая графика и детализация игрового мира подтвердили ожидания фанатов и усилили интерес к продолжению серии.

Другая важная утечка информации произошла в 2020 году, когда в сеть было выложено видео геймплея Left 4 Dead 3. В нем были показаны новые механики игры, такие как специальные атаки инфицированных и возможности персонажей. Видео пришлось по душе фанатам, которые оценили усовершенствования игрового процесса.

Также появилась информация о новых режимах игры, включая режим совместной игры для нескольких игроков и режим выживания. Фанаты с нетерпением ожидают подтверждения этих утечек и надеются, что разработчики внесут в игру множество новых фишек и возможностей, делая ее еще более захватывающей и захлестывающей.

Инсайдеры распространяют новую информацию

В последние месяцы появилось много новых слухов о возможном выпуске игры Left 4 Dead 3. Инсайдеры, близкие к разработчикам, делают предположения о дате выхода игры и ее возможных особенностях. Хотя Valve пока не подтвердила эти слухи, фанаты уже начали дискуссии и делать прогнозы о том, что может ожидать их в третьей части зомби-шутера.

Одна из главных информационных утечек гласит, что Left 4 Dead 3 будет совместим со SteamVR, что может стать большим прорывом для игровой индустрии. В случае подтверждения этой информации игроки смогут полностью погрузиться в атмосферу игры и испытать ужас зомби-апокалипсиса в виртуальной реальности.

Однако, следует отметить, что все эти слухи и информация неофициальны и требуют официального подтверждения. В настоящее время нет точных данных о дате релиза Left 4 Dead 3. Оставается только ждать и надеяться, что Valve скоро поделится официальными новостями о команде зомби-убийц.

Why Did They Stop Making Left 4 Dead 3?

It’s been over six years since the last Left 4 Dead game came out, and fans have been clamoring for a third installment ever since. Unfortunately, it looks like they’re going to be waiting a while longer, as Valve has officially cancelled Left 4 Dead 3.

While it’s always disappointing to see a much-anticipated game get canned, there could be a silver lining here. According to sources close to the development of the game, Left 4 Dead 3 was shaping up to be a complete mess. The game was reportedly plagued by engine problems, and the team working on it was constantly struggling to get anything working properly.

In the end, it seems like Valve made the right call in cancelling the game. It’s better to have no Left 4 Dead 3 than a subpar one that would only disappoint fans. Here’s hoping that they eventually get around to making a new game in the series that lives up to the hype.

Is Left 4 Dead 3 Cancelled?

It’s been over six years since the last Left 4 Dead game was released, and fans have been clamoring for a sequel ever since. Unfortunately, it looks like they’ll be waiting a while longer, as Valve has announced that Left 4 Dead 3 has been cancelled.

This news comes as a surprise to many, as it was widely assumed that Valve was working on a new Left 4 Dead game. In fact, just last year a leaked internal document seemed to confirm that Left 4 Dead 3 was in development. So what happened?

According to Valve, the decision to cancel Left 4 Dead 3 was purely a business one. «We’ve been thinking about some of the material we were writing for Left 4 Dead 3 and we decided we didn’t want to go in that direction,» said Valve’s Gabe Newell. «It wasn’t an artistic choice, it was a business choice.»

This explanation is sure to frustrate Left 4 Dead fans, who have been waiting patiently for a sequel for years. However, it’s important to remember that Valve is a business first and foremost, and sometimes business decisions have to be made that aren’t popular with fans.

Do you think Left 4 Dead 3 should have been made? Let us know in the comments!

Is there a Left 4 Dead 3 release date?

The first entry in the series released on November 17, 2008, and its sequel came exactly a year later on November 17, 2009. Many fans hoped that the same date in 2010 would host a third game, but it never came.

In an interview with video game news outlet Eurogamer in 2012, L4D writer Chet Faliszek seemed to hint at the possibility of another sequel, and stated that it would come “some time down the road” – though no time frame or release window was given.

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Faliszek ended up leaving Valve in 2017, and later founded Stray Bombay Company. Since 2012, there’s been no other official hints at 3 – though there have been many unofficial rumors.

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If L4D3 does indeed exist, it seems unlikely at this point that it would release on current generation consoles this late in the development cycle. 

Both of its predecessors came out on PC and Xbox 360, meaning that if the game was to release on console, it’d probably be exclusive to the Xbox Series X, rather than being available on the PlayStation 5 or Nintendo Switch.

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The Series X has no set date yet, but it is due for release between October and the end of December 2020, meaning that if 3 is indeed planned, it could come out after that.

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If L4D3 came to console, it would most likely be XSX-exclusive.

Why Is It Not Called Left 4 Dead 3?

It’s been nearly 10 years since Left 4 Dead 2 was released, and fans have been clamoring for a third installment in the series ever since. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like Left 4 Dead 3 is going to happen anytime soon. In fact, the game was actually cancelled back in 2017.

So, why was Left 4 Dead 3 cancelled? There are a few different reasons that have been cited. Firstly, the game’s development was apparently quite far along when it was suddenly cancelled. This suggests that there may have been some internal issues at Valve that led to the game’s cancellation.

Another possibility is that Valve simply doesn’t think there’s enough of a market for Left 4 Dead 3. The first two games were released at a time when the zombie craze was at its peak. However, interest in zombies has since declined significantly. As such, it’s possible that Valve doesn’t think a third Left 4 Dead game would be successful.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that Left 4 Dead 3 is not happening. It’s a shame, as the first two games are some of the best zombie games ever made. Hopefully, one day, we’ll see a third installment in the series.

Why Is There No Left For Dead 3?

It’s been over six years since the last Left 4 Dead game came out, and fans are still clamoring for a third installment. So what happened? Why was Left 4 Dead 3 cancelled?

There are a few possible reasons. One is that the development team at Valve simply ran out of steam. After working on two games in the series back-to-back, they may have simply needed a break.

Another possibility is that Valve wasn’t happy with the direction that Left 4 Dead 3 was going. The game was reportedly in development for over two years, and it’s possible that the team couldn’t figure out how to take the series forward.

Finally, it’s possible that Left 4 Dead 3 was simply too ambitious. The game was rumored to be much bigger than the first two, with a larger cast of characters and a more open-ended world. It’s possible that Valve realized that such a game would be too expensive and time-consuming to develop, and decided to cancel it instead.

Whatever the reason, Left 4 Dead 3 is still a mystery. We may never know why it was cancelled, but that doesn’t stop us from hoping that one day, we’ll finally get to see the long-awaited third installment.

Дата выхода Left 4 Dead 3

Изначально, по слухам, разработка Left 4 Dead 3 началась еще в 2011 году, но позже проект был заморожен. Однако, в последние годы появилось несколько информационных фрагментов, указывающих на то, что Valve все же ведет разработку третьей части.

Некоторые источники утверждают, что дата выхода Left 4 Dead 3 может состояться в ближайшие два года. Разработчики периодически делятся информацией о работе над игрой и опубликовывают концепт-арты, а это может быть признаком близкого релиза.

Однако, стоит помнить, что все это лишь слухи, и пока Valve не официально подтвердила информацию о выходе Left 4 Dead 3, нельзя быть уверенным в дате релиза. В то же время, фанаты серии остаются надеяться на скорейший выпуск игры, чтобы снова острые ощущения выживания в мире наполненном зомби-противниками вернулись в их жизнь.

Gaming Still Has Yet To Make A Worthy Successor

Usually when a game company abandons a beloved franchise, game developers find ways to create a comparable successor. Surprisingly, Left 4 Dead hasn’t gotten its that reawakens the nostalgia of the original franchise while upgrading the gameplay in a way substantial enough to let folks let go of the original game.

It’s not for a lack of trying, as the gaming industry has had a hard time trying to recreate a game even similar, let alone better. The latest of these attempts, Earthfall, launched earlier this year, and while there were whispers of promise, it still wasn’t enough to pull the community from Left 4 Dead 2. The only thing that could foreseeably do that is Left 4 Dead 3, unless of course Valve shits the bed on it.

Squad Gaming Is Hot Right Now

With Fortnite commercials running rampant about «getting these squad wins,» co-op gaming is still something gamers love. That’s not really something they’ve ever stopped, but with Battle Royale games the hot thing right now, folks are getting reacquainted with the beauty of rolling with a four-person team. Perhaps when the appeal of Battle Royale dies (if that day will ever come) these squads could move on to a new Left 4 Dead?

Granted, Left 4 Dead is a more intimate, competitive experience as two teams duke it out as opposed to multiple. Regardless, success requires a high amount of communication, and any one person trying to carry their team and not cooperate is going to find themselves in trouble real quick. When done right, it’s «squad gaming» at its finest, and an experience not often seen even in popular multiplayer games today.

What are the strongest, most believable rumors?

Supposed Left 4 Dead 3 character concept art from 2013

The most believable rumor comes from Valve News Network’s Tyler McVicker again. Last month, he dropped believed to be from a 2013 build of L4D3, stating that it was in development a long time ago but has since been cancelled. Though the images look nothing like the games we know and love, it’s not hard to believe Valve canned it if it was in development. Especially since it’s never officially announced a new Left 4 Dead, despite knowing that fans utterly crave it. But who knows?  The screeenshots look more like assets for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and it’s entirely possible they were simply used as test environments.

There is some more evidence in their favor, though. Moby Francke, a concept artist for L4D, uploaded to be L4D3 concept art onto his personal website upon leaving Valve in 2013. The drawings are believed to be directly linked because of a series of clothing and skin textures contained within a 2015 version of Aperture Robot Repair uploaded onto the Steam Database. The textures are almost identical to the garments worn by the men in Francke’s art, leaving little room for coincidence.

Zombies Are Still Popular

It’s worth mentioning that Left 4 Dead 2 was released almost a full year before premiered on AMC. Sure Call Of Duty: World At War had its Nazi Zombie mode running at that point, but this franchise was able to carry on zombie killing action without to hoist it onto its shoulders.

The point being, Left 4 Dead was a popular game with zombies, but it doesn’t seem as though the game’s overall appeal was the fact it had zombies in it. It was a fun game with an even more fun cooperative element that allowed for nonstop fun and edge-of-your-seat high-intensity gameplay. That said, I can only imagine how many copies the series would’ve sold with some official The Walking Dead skins attached to it.

Why Did Valve Cancel Left 4 Dead 3?

It’s been over six years since the last Left 4 Dead game was released, and fans have been clamoring for a third installment ever since. Unfortunately, it looks like they’ll be waiting a while longer, as Valve has officially announced that Left 4 Dead 3 has been cancelled.

So what happened? Why would Valve cancel a game that seemed like a surefire hit? Unfortunately, there’s no one clear answer. It’s likely that a variety of factors led to the decision, including the company’s focus on other projects and the difficulties of developing a cooperative multiplayer game of that scale.

Whatever the reasons, it’s a shame that we won’t be getting Left 4 Dead 3 anytime soon. The first two games were some of the most fun cooperative multiplayer experiences ever, and it’s a genre that could really use another high-profile entry. Hopefully Valve will change their minds eventually, but for now, Left 4 Dead fans will have to content themselves with replaying the old games.

Is there proof Left 4 Dead 3 is in development?

Honestly, there’s little to go on. The series’ lead writer Chet Faliszek hinted at the possibility of a third installment in an interview with back in 2012, but we’ve had nothing but radio silence from official channels since. Faliszek left Valve in 2017. We were recently teased with an impressive game trailer that seemed almost official but unfortunately wasn’t, as confirmed to us by Valve itself.

In 2016, it seemed like Valve had slipped up by including possible L4D3 leaks in an HTC Vive benchmark tool built using their Source Engine. ’s Tyler McVicker unearthed several references and assets in its source files, including a new special infected enemy called The Nocturnal, a day/night cycle, and an older male character. Whether he was supposed to be an NPC or a Survivor is unknown. A direct connection between the files and the game’s development was never found.

Later that year, Valve fansite reported that employee Tristan Reidford appeared to leak proof of L4D3’s development after publishing a tutorial to Steam. The tutorial included a screenshot of his Windows Explorer favorites, with a ‘left4dead3’ folder listed at the top. The image was quickly removed and replaced with a different one. Was this a legitimate mistake or an intentional tease? 

Left 4 Dead Still Has A Strong Community

A quick look at the top 100 games on Steam will reveal that there are still quite a bit of people that can’t stop this iconic zombie game. Left 4 Dead 2 shares that rare honor bestowed on few games nearly a decade old where thousands are still logging on each day to play the game on a regular basis.

Sure, it’s not the biggest game on Steam, but the fact that a game that old that heavily relies on a co-op experience is still thriving years later is a sign there’s already a core community ready to jump on board for a new game. That’s of course, provided Valve delivered an experience comparable to what they’ve come to expect.

Why Did They Not Make Left 4 Dead 3?

It is no secret that Valve is not known for timely releases when it comes to its flagship franchises. The last entry in the Half-Life series came out over a decade ago, and fans are still waiting patiently for Half-Life 3. The same can be said for Left 4 Dead. The last game in the series came out in 2009, and since then, there has been no word from Valve about a possible sequel.

This was the first time that Valve had acknowledged the existence of Left 4 Dead 3, and it got fans of the series very excited. However, it seems that those hopes were dashed when, in February of 2018, Kotaku published another report, this time claiming that Left 4 Dead 3 had been cancelled.

According to their sources, the development of Left 4 Dead 3 was «pretty far along» before it was ultimately cancelled. The game was set to take place in Morocco, and would have featured a new cast of characters. There was also going to be a new enemy type, called the «Siren,» which would have been a mutated human that emitted a loud noise that could attract and control other zombies.

So, why was Left 4 Dead 3 cancelled? Unfortunately, we may never know for sure. However, Kotaku’s sources claim that the game was cancelled due to «internal disagreements» at Valve. It is also worth noting that, around the same time that Left 4 Dead 3 was supposedly cancelled, Valve was also working on Half-Life: Alyx, which was ultimately released in March of 2020.

It is possible that, with Half-Life: Alyx taking up so much of the company’s time and resources, Valve simply didn’t have the manpower to work on both projects simultaneously. It is also possible that the company decided to scrap Left 4 Dead 3 in favor of Half-Life: Alyx because they felt that the latter project had more potential.

Whatever the reason may be, it is clear that Left 4 Dead 3 is not in development at Valve, and it is unlikely that it ever will be. This is a shame, as the Left 4 Dead series is one of the most beloved zombie franchises of all time. However, fans of the series can take solace in the fact that Half-Life: Alyx is a fantastic game that more than makes up for the lack of a new Left 4 Dead.

Ожидания игроков

Огромное количество фанатов серии Left 4 Dead с нетерпением ждут выхода третьей части игры. Несмотря на то, что прошло уже много лет с момента выхода второй части, желание вернуться в мир зомби-апокалипсиса остается неизменным.

Игроки надеются, что в Left 4 Dead 3 разработчики учтут все недостатки предыдущих частей и добавят много нового и интересного. Ключевыми ожиданиями игроков являются:

1. Новые персонажи Фанаты надеются увидеть в третьей части новых героев с уникальными историями и навыками. Каждый персонаж должен быть харизматичным и оригинальным, чтобы игроки могли полностью погрузиться в игровой мир.
2. Разнообразные локации Игроки надеются на большой выбор разнообразных локаций, таких как города, леса, предместья и даже подземелья. Каждая локация должна иметь свою уникальную атмосферу и хорошо проработанную графику.
3. Улучшенный искусственный интеллект Игра Left 4 Dead известна своим отличным искусственным интеллектом зомби, но игроки надеются увидеть еще большую сложность и разнообразие в поведении противников.
4. Мультиплеерные режимы Одна из главных фишек Left 4 Dead — кооперативный режим, где можно играть с друзьями. Игроки ожидают, что в третьей части будет еще больше мультиплеерных режимов, таких как PvP (игрок против игрока) или режимы с командами.
5. Обновленная графика и звук Left 4 Dead 3 должна выглядеть и звучать максимально реалистично. Игроки надеются на улучшенные визуальные эффекты, детализацию окружающего мира, а также качественный звук, который поможет создать максимальную атмосферу игры.

На данный момент разработчики Left 4 Dead 3 не подтвердили ни одного ожидания игроков, поэтому фанатам остается только надеяться и ждать новостей о выходе игры.

As of 2020, Valve is «absolutely not» making Left 4 Dead 3

Early in 2020, HTC China president Alvin Wang Graylin on the future of VR, including one that said, «Valve HL Alyx/LFD3 will drive consumer and AAA studio interest.» Naturally, folks ran with the idea that this was some insider confirmation of Left 4 Dead 3, despite the acronym being slightly off.

Valve quickly stepped in and provided a statement to saying, «we did briefly explore some Left 4 Dead next opportunities a few years ago. But we are absolutely not working on anything L4D related now, and haven’t for years.»

«It’s clear some people are having fun creating misinformation to spin up the community and other outlets. Unfortunately, for now a new L4D game is not something we’re working on.»

Graylin then clarified on Twitter that unfortunately his «LFD4» example was just personal speculation, given that he’s a fan of the series himself. Drat.

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