Defunct review & giveaway

Wall·e | typeset in the future

Below is our review for Defunct for PS4, and we’re also giving away a copy!

Step 2.) Optional – We also are allowing bonus entries using any of these methods below!

We will draw a winner at random on 9/16/2017!

*Prize provided by Soedesco.

  • PlatformPS4
  • Publisher: Soedesco | Developer: Freshly Squeezed
  • Number of Players: 1

Mixing such diverse genres as platforming, puzzle, and racing, was certainly a bold move for developer Freshly Squeezed. Most times a mash-up like this is a jack of all trades, but master of none situation. Can the story of a lost and broken robot trying to get home buck this trend?


You play as a slightly broken robot whom I have affectionately come to refer to as LTL-BDY. He falls from his ship finding himself lost on a strange new world. LTL-BDY must chase through multiple levels speeding along, solving puzzles and engaging in some light platforming. There are no real enemies to speak of, just the terrain providing any kind of challenge. That being said, as your robot is damaged you have to use what you have in order to pass that terrain.

The robot can magnetize to the ground to build up speed when he is going downhill and when going uphill you would release the magnet. You can also do a short burst to get up larger hills if need be. There are bounce fields and ramps you can use to get air. Once airborne, you can magnetize to higher up surfaces in order to get through the huge maps.

There are several areas but none of them take too long to conquer. Luckily, once you beat the game, time trials open up so that you can rank your times on leaderboards. There are also lots to collectables to go after which can add replay value to an otherwise brief adventure.


I personally had some trouble getting used to the controls at first, but once you play through a bit they quickly become second nature. R2 magnetizes down hills, O gives your broken engine a small boost for hill climbing, and Triangle attaches you to higher up surfaces for shooting up walls or hanging from surfaces upside down.


On the plus side, Defunct is a pretty good looking game, and the robot has lots of animations and fine detail which gives him personality. The courses you speed through are all well designed and lush. Towards the end some of it does feel repetitive but it does look good nonetheless.


The music is leisurely and does a fine job of setting the mood for your trek through the jungle-like planet. Sound effects are fine but nothing out of the ordinary.


Defunct is a fun mash up of several genres. The game plays well once you get used to the controls and the sound and graphics really help set the mood for your adventure. The only real complaint is the length, as it’s possible to plow through the game in a couple of hours, but there are time trials and collectibles to stretch that if you are so inclined.


  • Looks great with varied environments
  • Despite being a mash-up of several genres, it feels fun in its own right


  • Game is kind of short
  • Controls take some getting used to

Blurred Scenery

Visually, Defunct sports a more cartoon-like, almost cel-shaded look – which can be a double-edged sword. While obstacles and ramps are generally easier to spot with the use of brighter colors, some ground textures and objects can also feel flat and lifeless. There were definitely a number of times when I was taken out of the experience by grassy plains which looked like they belonged in a Nintendo 64 game.

Fortunately, the game’s developers seem to have kept such nitpicks in mind.

If you’re playing with your Nintendo Switch docked, Defunct comes with three display settings:

  • Performance: 60 fps + blurrier textures (Portable players are stuck with this setting)
  • Quality: 30 fps + better textures + better shadows
  • Battery Charge: Less stable than ‘Performance’ mode – but your Switch charges faster in the dock

I highly recommend trying out the ‘Quality’ setting once in awhile, as it adds an amazing speed blur effect that warps the world around the corners of your screen (see the screenshot above). Additionally, using the ‘Quality’ setting makes environments like jungles look livelier – with added foliage and object details. I was initially set on giving Defunct a lower score, but the boost in visuals here was impressive enough for me to bump it up a notch.

Overall, It’s really cool that Defunct’s porting team considered the versatility of the Switch hardware. While it’s a shame that portable players can only use ‘Performance’ mode, the developers definitely worked hard to optimize the experience regardless of how you play. Defunct really surprised me in this department.


All in all Defunct offers a pretty nice experience, once you are used to the controls. The speed that you build to solve the puzzles (or just raging through the landscape) feels really nice and visually the game is nicely varied. However, it lacks a bit of content: if you want, you can reach the end in less than an hour. Especially since Defunct seems to emphasize speed runs and you feel in every aspect that you have to rush through the game as quickly as possible, it still feels a bit skimpy. In his current state, I recommend Defunct when it can be picked up at a Steam Sale for a nice price.

The plus and minus points

Speed ​​sense
Varied landscapes
Short playing time
Stem start
Unclear collectibles

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!

3 лампы и 3 выключателя

Эта логическая задача особенно полюбилась на собеседованиях. Есть 2 комнаты. Первая комната закрыта дверью, в ней низкие потолки и висят 3 лампы накаливания. Во второй комнате есть 3 выключателя, подсоединённых к каждой из ламп. Можно как угодно переключать выключатели, но перейти из второй комнаты в первую можно лишь один раз.

Вопрос: как узнать, за какую лампу отвечает каждый из выключателей?


Ситуацию спасут низкие потолки, которые позволят дотронуться до лампы. Ещё очень важная деталь — лампы накаливания, которые очень сильно нагреваются. Вам нужно, находясь во второй комнате, включить любую лампу на несколько минут, потом выключить её и включить любую из двух других. После этого переходите в комнату с лампами. Первый выключатель, который вы трогали, будет присоединён к лампе, которая ещё тёплая. Второй выключатель — к светящей лампе. А выключатель, который вы не трогали, будет подсоединён к выключенной холодной лампе.

Need for Speed: Puzzleground

Defunct has two types of playstyles taking into account the player. This way it is possible to choose the easy or the challenging path. The easy path will consist of the simpler maneuvers and contains a fairly linear path. You will not have to make too much speed and agility. The more challenging path against this, tests your skills with the mastery of momentum to the limit. It often takes a long time to learn the trail and perfect the use of your momentum.

The puzzles of the game therefore often consist of gaining enough momentum to then reach the top of a hill or building up enough take-off speed to achieve a certain jump. In addition, the robot will also receive magnetic powers later in the game, for example to move on the ceiling. It all sounds so simple but it is even more difficult than you think. Mainly because of the fact that if you want to get all the unique content, you have to choose the hard way.

Basic Mechanics

Defunct follows the tale of a robot that gets marooned on a trashy planet. Like many modern Sonic games, players travel across linear levels while avoiding obstacles and going fast.

Going fast, however, is a little challenging for the robot in question – as its motor gets broken early on. You can still move forward with the ‘A’ button, but the robot will only move at the speed of a turtle. Stray ‘scrap’ items can be collected to speed up momentarily, but you’ll grind to a halt mere seconds after that.

This is where the ‘Gravitize’ ability comes in handy, instead. By pressing the ‘ZR’ trigger on downhill slopes, the robot will slide downwards at insane speeds – thereby accelerating forward. This is the game’s core mechanic – and it can be a little tricky to master at first, as spamming it on uphill slopes will slow you down instead. You will need a good sense of rhythm and precise timing to speed up constantly over multiple hills.

Some levels can get pretty fun and challenging with the gravity mechanic. You’ll encounter bounce-pads that launch you sky-high when you ‘Gravitize’ on them, wall-running sections which require you to build up speed, and crazy loop-the-loops. Several sections of the map are also wide open, so you’ll get an opportunity to play around with the game’s physics. While a little experimental, Defunct offers something fresh for the platforming genre.

Some Speed Bumps

Defunct is not without its issues, however.

The game costs $14.99 – but even that can feel a little pricey for the base experience. By ignoring most of the special tokens and blazing through stages, I completed the main story within just two hours. Replaying Defunct to collect tokens and beat time trials is not really a value-add – it’s pretty much the main value of the game due its short tenure.

Also, hunting down special tokens REALLY pads out the game’s length – but not necessarily in the best way. Many of them are placed in hard-to-reach locations – so you’ll soon find yourself rolling back and forth in your attempts to grab them. This kind of trial-and-error gameplay can become frustrating due to Defunct’s looser physics, and it neutered my sense of momentum quite often. If you’re obsessed about completing games 100%, Defunct can end up being a dream or nightmare for you.

Also, a lot of the earlier levels don’t facilitate ‘going fast’ that well. Most of them have annoying uphill climbs that took forever to overcome, and it felt like the game was actively discouraging me from having fun. I get that these were probably introductory stages, but it felt like players could have been given more opportunities to have fun a little earlier.

Even after Defunct starts getting good somewhere in the middle, the fun doesn’t last for long. Just when I had mastered the game’s mechanics, Defunct’s story abruptly ended and the credits rolled. I was literally scratching my head and asking “That was it?” in bewilderment. I was indeed having loads of fun with Defunct – which only made it more painful when the game concluded so unexpectedly.

Not a good start…

A good start is half the work. Unfortunately Defunct does not really honor this. In the beginning, the game does not feel particularly nice: there is not much explained and the steering is uncomfortable. There are different types of objects processed in the game world, some of which affect your speed, others are only intended as collectible.

Since your speed is the most important aspect in Defunct, it would be nice to know if you pick up a certain trick by picking up a certain objectcan do it or not, without letting it come to a guess. If that does not work out well, you can in most cases wave your speed goodbye. In addition, in the very beginning it mainly feels like you are controlling Wall-E after it has combined a number of lines of speed with a lot of drinks.

There is also a contradiction between where your focus should lie. The light on the back of your robot lights up green when you go down a hill and red when you go uphill. Based on that light, you have to choose whether to gravitizebutton or not: if you do that as you go downhill, your speed will increase, but you will lose momentum if you press this button when you go up. So you would think that light is the point that you need to focus on. However, if you do, you will lose interest in the environment, which quickly leads to clashes and frustrations.

Ride the Wall-E!

Defunct is a simple game with a lot on its plate despite first glances. You’re a cute wheelie robot that falls out of its cargo ship. Find your way home! That’s about it. When talking about Defunct with a fellow PoorPlayer, he joked about it sounded like the plot to a Pixar movie, and that’s fairly accurate. Self described as an indie adventure game with focus on flow and speed, it delivers on every aspect.

I’ll get the rough stuff out of the way first. Defunct is really short. It probably took me more time procrastinating writing this review than to play through the game. That’s honestly the only real “flaw” I saw in the game. This wasn’t that much of a let down, though, because Defunct is the type of game you want to get through once and then go back for seconds. Cough cough pun.

Just like any other game with a focus on speed and time, Defunct is broken down into several different areas you can look at as pseudo tracks to memorize and go back to master. Visually, Defunct is gorgeous. My PC isn’t much of a beast but right from the boot Defunct ran smoothly and looked great. There are a lot of different landscapes to zip through over lush green forests, speedy sand deserts, and a bunch of other areas to explore.

Defunct’s main mechanic is something I’ve only used in an iOS game I obsessed over a long time ago called Tiny Wings. In order to get from point A to point B you need to “Gravitize” to get moving. The gravity drive is basically as simple as hold the trigger while aiming downhill. If you’re traveling up a hill it tanks your speed. There are a few other things to get you moving. You can jump/double jump, move slowly with your broken wheel, and magnetize to enable you to stick to walls. Each individual mechanism is revealed to you slowly and it conjured up intimidating thoughts of what would come later. The game never got too challenging, though, and this leads me to the next area of why Defunct is worth your time.

Defunct has the courage to allow the player to play the damn game. I can’t tell you how many games like this bog down the player with hidden walls, linear paths, etc. There aren’t any arrows to follow or signs to force you into anything. It’s refreshing and I never felt like I was held back by much. Ironically, there are sections in the game where you have to either find a key to move forward or hit a couple switches. These stop the game in its tracks but allow you to explore and goof off a bit. If they were a larger portion of the game it would have really pulled me out of the experience. The flow of the game is the most important part and zipping around the levels and floating over hills gave me the same feeling extreme sports games give you.

There were a few moments I got stuck in scenery or fell through landscapes. There are bounce pads in the game that will make you hit the ceiling of the design. The nice thing about any issues this may cause is the handy respawn button. No matter what issues I was having I could just hit Back on my gamepad and be trying again in no time. I was nervous about potential game-breaking moments but that resolved almost any problem I may have had.

Defunct’s length and price may hold some gamers back from giving it a try. That’s valid criticism but the design of what’s here is so much more important than those two specs. The biggest compliment I can give Defunct is that it’s nothing if it isn’t unique. It’s not really a racing game, it’s not really a platformer, it’s not really an adventure game, it’s just a speedy flowing experience that’s worth checking out.

Final Verdict: 4/5

Available on: PC (reviewed) ; Publisher: SOEDESCO Publishing ; Developer: Freshly Squeezed ; Players: 1; Released: January 29, 2016; Genre: Indie, Racing, Adventure ; MSRP: $14.99Full disclosure: This review is based on a review copy of Defunct provided by the publisher.


Как я уже отметил выше, у нашего робота сломан двигатель, поэтому перемещаться мы можем только за счет того, что постоянно набираем скорость. Самый верный способ – скатываться с горки и собирать при этом специальные ускорители, разбросанные на нашем пути. При этом игра не ограничивает нас в перемещениях внутри локации. Я бы даже, пожалуй, рискнул сказать, что во много эту игру можно отнести к категории игр с открытым миром. Технически, так и есть. Каждая локация имеет самые очевидные пути прохождения – самые простые и несколько более сложных, которые включают в себя еще и сбор специальных шестеренок, которые в последствие дают возможность апгрейдить своего робота и менять его внешний вид. Ну, еще там есть несколько ачивок, связанных со сбором этих штук.

Чтобы подвести итоги по поводу геймплея, я решил тезисно отметить, что вам предстоит делать в игре Defunct:

Перемещаться по уровням, набирая максимально возможную скорость
Собирать ускорители, детали и шестеренки
Иногда решать несложные паззлы

Вот, в общем-то, и все. Не густо, правда же?

A luxurious container in a backward area

Unique content can be unlocked by finding collectibles. Each level contains a number of these collectibles that are not that hard to find, but are quite frustrating to get to. This forces you to keep training your skills. The unlockable content mainly consists of a new look for your favorite robot.

Speaking of content, Defunct still falls short. For example, the game only contains a minimal number of levels that can be raced through in just over an hour. When you have completed the main game you also unlock five, which are races against the clock to reach a number of points as quickly as possible. If you are not competitive, you will not have much fun here.

Fortunately, the game does contain a high replay content since the game is so inviting and there is always room to practice the momentum skills. All in all, the game remains quite pricey for the content it offers.


Despite some rough edges, Defunct is anything but dysfunctional. Like its robotic main character, it’s a surprisingly competent game hiding underneath a roughed-up shell.

All in all, the game is a very novel experience with a simple presentation – and it doesn’t try to distract players with some ‘deep’ story like many indie games. Defunct is just about mastering pure speed with a little creativity, and it’s not afraid to have some fun in the process.

A few nitpicks (like the game’s length and frustrating early levels) may turn off some players. I can’t deny that I felt annoyed with the first third of the game – which came across as monotonous and slightly lifeless. However, Defunct gradually matured like fine wine as I mastered its unique controls and revisited levels with my improved skills. I highly encourage anyone interested in the game to stick with it for as long as possible.

Even if it starts slow, you’ll eventually be having fun faster than you can imagine.

Need For Speed

Once you get good at using slopes, Defunct really starts to shine. Flying off ramps and curved walls by your own effort is an amazing rush. You’ll feel like a bonafide daredevil as you whiz past junkyards, lush forests, and barren deserts. The game even allows you to perform tricks in mid-air just for the heck of it.

It’s difficult for me to describe the joy of Defunct’s speedy gameplay with just screenshots – so you’ll just have to see it in motion:

You can also replay most levels in ‘time trial’ mode – which ranks you with players worldwide. While optional, it was fun to revisit levels and discover faster pathways that I had missed the first time. There’s an added sense of adrenaline and tension when you pit yourself against the clock.

Additionally, there are a couple of special tokens to grab in each level. These optional objectives are usually hidden out of the way, so you’ll have to do some searching or crazy stunts to reach them. You only get alternate skins for the robot by collecting them, however – so I don’t think many players will be bothered to hunt them down.

Overall, Defunct carves out its own niche in the platforming genre. It’s certainly not a Sonic-clone, although it does try to achieve the same experience with time trials. The game’s unique gravity mechanic really sets it apart from other physics-based games, and there’s a sense of pure bliss when it finally clicks for you.

…but a good follow-up

What I did not expect, is that these problems were only problematic for half an hour. Once I had mastered the controls (that is, I left the mouse for what it was and played purely with the keyboard), it felt great to rage through the different landscapes in Defunct. Incidentally, ‘different’ in this case is mainly a case of skins and not so much actual variations in gameplay. Snow, desert, grassland, it does not matter: in essence, it all feels the same.

This is unfortunate, because differences in control in different landscapes could have extended the duration of Defunct. On the other hand, perhaps it had only caused frustration when the different landscape types in Defunct gave a different driving experience: the different environments followed each other at a fairly fast pace, which ultimately made the game a bit short. Slightly more puzzles and larger levels could have extended the playing time, especially if the control would differ in different landscapes.

As far as I am concerned, Defunct therefore misses some opportunities, especially since the potential is indeed present. The puzzles are simple, because usually it is important to build up enough momentum to jump high and / or far enough to reach a certain object. Perhaps superficially, but extremely effective. The search for the optimal route to build that momentum turned out to be an activity that I personally liked very much. There are often several roads that lead to Rome, but one road has more obstacles than the other and that is the power of Defunct: if you choose a more difficult route and ultimately succeed, it feels pretty satisfying.

Два стражника

А такая логическая задача часто встречается на интервью от Apple. Игрок дошёл до финального задания в квесте. Перед ним оказались две двери. Первая приведёт к богатству и победе, другая — к поражению. Под дверьми стоит по одному стражнику. Они знают, куда ведут их двери. Но один из них скажет неправду. Не известно, кто именно солжёт. Игрок может спросить одного стражника всего один раз.

Вопрос: что нужно спросить у стража, чтобы выйти к богатству и выиграть квест?


У любого стражника нужно спросить: «какая дверь, по мнению другого стражника, ведёт к победе?». Если игрок спрашивает у правдивого стражника, то тот укажет на дверь с поражением, ведь второй стражник всегда врёт. Если же спросить у второго стражника, то он соврёт о мнении правдивого стражника и тоже укажет на дверь с поражением. Зная неправильную дверь, вам просто нужно выбрать другую.

Правила словесной игры для детей от 8 лет

Игра «Чепуха» может быть и немного в другом формате. На самом деле, правила могут с легкостью варьироваться в зависимости от количества игроков, возможностей, желаний.

Для проведения игры понадобится один листик бумаги и ручка, который будет передаваться от одного участника к другому по кругу. Суть игры — каждый из участников должен придумать какое-то короткое предложение, написать его на листочке, завернуть его, чтобы никто не видел, и передать следующему игроку.

Последнее слово в предложении должно писаться с новой строчки, а каждый игрок должен использовать это слово в своем новом предложении. Таким образом можно сделать сразу несколько кругов игры.

В конце листик разворачивается и все вслух читается. Получаются очень смешные истории, которые точно понравятся и детям, и взрослым.

Общее впечатление

Несмотря на тот факт, что игра в первые минуты вызывает, пожалуй, исключительно положительные эмоции, на деле все не так радужно. Что точно можно занести в актив игры Defunct – это то, как игра смотрится и ощущается на полной скорости, когда вы чувствуете механику игры, чувствуете скорость и т.д. В этом аспекте игра великолепна и если бы таких моментов в игре было больше, то это была бы прекрасная игра. Но, увы, таких моментов в игре даже не половина, а процентов двадцать от общего игрового времени, в лучшем случае. Остальное же время нам предлагают медленно передвигаться от одной точки, где мы можем начать разгоняться, до другой и заниматься собирательством, которое здесь тоже особенно сильно не развлекает.

При этом главной проблемой игры, на мой взгляд, является недоработанное управление вкупе с не прощающей ошибок механикой. Представьте, что вы разогнались до максимальной скорости и все идет круто, игра доставляет вам удовольствие — и тут вы вдруг делаете одно неловкое движение стиком и все. Весь ваш разгон идет коту под хвост. Подобный уровень сложности вполне можно было бы воспринимать как преимущество, но только не в игре, которая в основном не дает тебе возможности автоматически вернуться на начало твоего разгона. Возможность зареспаунится есть, но только для основных контрольных точек, с которыми и так проблем не будет. А если вы вдруг решили пойти другой дорогой, то готовьтесь к тому, что для каждой новой попытки вам придется долго и мучительно возвращаться к началу самостоятельно. При всем при этом игра достаточно короткая и проходится буквально за парус часов. Конечно, это с учетом, что вы не собираете все что можно. В этом случае вы едва ли справитесь так быстро. Вот только никакого желания заниматься этим, лично у меня, не возникло. Все бы еще ничего, но оптимизация также оставляет желать лучшего, что почти целиком и полностью отбивает желание играть в эту игру дольше, чем требуется для быстрого прохождения.

How to complete Wall-E’s level 10 friendship quest

The first step in this quest is simply to talk with Wall-E about the memory. Players will then decide that they want to help the little robot get the club back together and will need to go with Wall-E to recruit Merlin.

How to make the Astronomy Club Invitations in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Unfortunately, Merling won’t be able to understand Wall-E and the robot will grow sad since he had hoped to be the one to invite others. Players will then come up with the idea of Wall-E writing invitations, which means that they’ll need to get to work gathering some resources for the handwritten invitations.

  • Players will need three Ink Vials, which can be crafted at any crafting station by utilizing Black Passion Lily.
  • Players will need three Paper, which can be crafted at any crafting station by utilizing Softwood.
  • With the previous two resources already made, players will need to utilize the materials to create three Astronomy Club Invitations. This can be done at any crafting station.

Screengrab via Gameloft

How to make a Telescope in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Once the invitations are ready to go, players can then return to talk with Wall-E and give him the invitation to hand out. Players will then ask Wall-E if he has the Telescope from the memory, to which he will say no, so players will then need to craft a new one.

  • Players will need four Iron Ingots, which can be crafted at any crafting station with Iron Ore and Coal Ore.
  • Players will need two Gold Ingots, which can be crafted at any crafting station with Gold Nuggets and Coal Ore.
  • Players will need five Glass, which can be crafted at any crafting station with Sand and Coal Ore.
  • Players will need six Tinkering Parts, which can be crafted at any crafting station with Iron Ingots.

Screengrab via Gameloft

After players construct the Telescope they’ll need to give it to Wall-E. The duo will then decide that they need to find a good location to stargaze, so players will need to place the Telescope down somewhere around their valley.

The club, which consists of Wall-E, Prince Eric, Buzz Lightyear, and Merlin, will then assemble and Wall-E will grant players a backpack that looks like him as a reward for their hard work. Wall-E’s level 10 friendship quest will then be complete.

How to unlock Wall-E’s level 10 friendship quest

To unlock Wall-E’s “The Astronomy Club” quest, players will need to complete a few prerequisites:

  • Recruit Wall-E from his Realm.
  • Reach level 10 friendship with Wall-E.
  • Invite Buzz Lightyear from the Toy Story Realm.
  • Unlock Prince Eric by leveling up your friendships with Ariel and Ursula to level 10 and completing the “A Deal With Ursula” quest.
  • Remove Night Thorns from around the valley until one drops the following Hidden Memory. The quest will not be unlocked until this memory has been found.

Screengrab via Gameloft

Once the prerequisites have been met, players will then unlock “The Astronomy Club” quest. This quest is Wall-E’s level 10 friendship quest and will end with players getting the adorable Wall-E backpack.

Котлета, котлета и ещё одна котлета

Логические загадки могут быть очень каверзными. Как, например, эта.

У вас есть 2 сковородки и 3 котлеты. На приготовление 1 котлеты с одной стороны уходит 1 минута. На одной сковороде вмещается лишь 1 котлета.

Вопрос: за какое минимальное время вы сможете полностью обжарить все 3 котлеты?


Первым в голову приходит ответ — 4 минуты. Но можно уложиться и в 3 минуты. Для этого придерживайтесь следующей последовательности:

  1. положите жариться по 1 котлете на две сковороды;
  2. через минуту переверните первую котлету, а вторую уберите. На место второй котлеты положите третью;
  3. ещё через минуту первая котлета будет полностью готова. На её место положите дожариваться вторую котлету, которую вы убрали, а третью котлету переверните;
  4. спустя минуту все 3 котлеты будут полностью обжарены.

Gravity as best friend

The gameplay of this game, however, is at odds with the simple shapes and the soothing feeling that the environments exude. The unique aspect is that you have to make it to the end of the level with nothing but good use of gravity and momentum.

You get through the game by building up momentum when you go down a hill with your robot, so that you speed up to overcome obstacles. However, if you go uphill again, you will lose a large part of this speed.

Your speed can be temporarily boosted by special turbo items called Enerjuice. If all this fails, you can use the slow auxiliary engine in extreme cases to bring you back to heights or to slowly continue your way to the end of the level.

Что в итоге?

Игра Defunct вызывает у меня очень противоречивые чувства. С одной стороны мне нравится концепт, сюжет вполне себе ничего и детализации локаций тоже хороша. Но при этом сам геймплей жутко проседает и заставляет зевать, оптимизация откровенно хромает и делает это, как назло, в самых красивых локациях, а продолжительность игры откровенно не совсем такая, какую обычно предлагают игры данной ценовой категории. Я бы посоветовал эту игру на распродаже с хорошей скидкой, но за полный прайс, увы, посоветовать я ее не могу.

Оценка игры Defunct


Геймплей: 30% Сюжет: 55% Концепт: 60% Оригинальность: 40% Готовность: 45% Реиграбильность: 30% Графика: 55% Звук и музыка: 50%

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