Top three league twitch streamers in 2022



Стримы EsfandTV также являются еще одним серьезным отклонением от того, что фанаты могут ожидать от Мир Warcraft стример. В то время как он начал свои дни на Twitch, играя Мир Warcraft, и по сей день все еще сосредотачивается на названии, ему также удается разветвляться на множество различных тем. В прошлом году EsfandTV удалось заключить сделку на трансляцию футбольных матчей NFL в четверг вечером на своем канале, но недавно стало известно, что Twitch решил не разрешать это в этом году. Тем не менее, EsfandTV ищет другие варианты, чтобы привнести свою страсть к футболу в свои стримы, например, вместо этого транслировать игры. Для его зрителей, интересующихся исключительно его Мир Warcraft усилия, EsfandTV в первую очередь ориентирован на Мир Варкрафт Классик, что означает, что его поток в настоящее время сосредоточен на гринде во время пре-патча для Гнев Короля-лича.


The Twitch celeb is one of the most famous female streamers receiving significant attention from many companies and brands that work with her. The nickname is a combination of her favorite Pokemon and her given name, Imane; Pokimane.

Pokimane is an accomplished gamer, an established female promoter working with many big brands. Her bright character, gaming skills, and unique video style have earned her over 9 billion Twitch followers and 640 million YouTube views.

One of the campaigner’s gaming firm’s steady collaborations is HyperX, and games like Team Fight and Fortnite are some of her favorites. You can link up with her on her social handles: and Instagram.

Топ русских девушек на Твиче

1. Alinity

Alinity – известная канадская стримерша, профессионально играющая в такие игры, как World of Warcraft, Apex Legends и League of Legends. Она обладает огромной аудиторией и является одной из самых успешных девушек на платформе.

2. delova_

delova_ – русская стримерша, играющая в шутеры и игры с открытым миром. Она отличается своей честностью и чувством юмора, что делает ее трансляции интересными и популярными среди зрителей.

3. Olya_Kitty

Olya_Kitty – российская стримерша, чьи трансляции посвящены преимущественно играм жанра «квест». Она отличается не только своим профессионализмом, но и обаянием, благодаря которому зрители не могут оторвать глаз от ее стримов.

4. Amouranth

Amouranth – известная американская стримерша, чьи трансляции часто посвящены косплею и танцам. Она обладает изящным стилем и умением создать атмосферу праздника вокруг своих трансляций.

5. Maryana Ro

Maryana Ro – российская стримерша, которая играет в различные игры, но большую популярность получила благодаря своим талантам в Dota 2. Она активно взаимодействует со своей аудиторией и создает дружественную атмосферу на своих стримах.

Это только небольшая часть популярных русских девушек на Твиче. Каждая из них в своем стиле создает интересные и увлекательные трансляции, привлекая тысячи зрителей. Благодаря им, мир Твича становится ярче и разнообразнее.

“Shadowlands is really a game I started loving again”

After being somewhat deflated by the offering of Battle for Azeroth, her passion for the game was reignited with Shadowlands and she’s been playing a lot more regularly.

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“Shadowlands is really a game that I started loving again. I’ve been playing WoW for so, so long and for the past six or seven years I didn’t love WoW as much as I do now. I just love everything about Shadowlands.”

Read More: How to get Valor Points in WoW Shadowlands

With the newest expansion, players were given more competitive play and less monotonous grinding, which has proved to be a positive decision. “I think the whole WoW section also grew with Shadowlands because it was generally very popular, so I got more viewers and people were just loving this whole community and the whole Shadowlands idea. It’s very interesting to see that a game that’s this old all of a sudden just gets so popular again!”

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4 Destiny

Via Polygon

Estimated Net Worth $500k – Earns approximately $8k a month

Steven Bonnell goes by the handle of Destiny and is best known for engaging in political debates and using language many find offensive during his Hearthstone streams. This uncensored approach to streaming hasn’t been kind to him recently due to Twitch’s crackdown on hate speech.

In January of this year he received a 7-day ban from Twitch and in July he found himself facing a lengthy 30-day ban, proving that being popular doesn’t mean you are above the rules.

Destiny currently has 278k Twitch followers and over 119k YouTube subscribers. If he wants to keep increasing this number, then he may have to check his approach.

5 место. Алексей «JesusAVGN» Губанов

Свою деятельность на Ютубе и Твиче Хесус начал еще в 2012 году, однако больше развивал Ютуб, выкладывая туда летсплеи: от хорроров до игр с разветвленным сюжетом. Зрителей привлекал спокойный и хорошо поставленный голос, а также интересные и смешные комментарии во время прохождений. Во время стримов Хесус всегда старается отвечать на донаты зрителей и поддерживать общение с чатом, из-за чего иногда забывает о самой игре.

Длительное время Алексей скрывал свое лицо, но показал его в видео на Ютубе 31 декабря 2016 года. Стример честно признавался, что опасался реакции аудитории, однако количество подписчиков лишь стало расти. В последнее время Хесус активно выходит в медиа. Недавно он снялся в сериале «Это вам не игрушки: история российского стриминга» от и Goose Gaming Agency, а также принял участие в ток-шоу «СТЕНКА». 

Стоит отметить, что общее число фолловеров Хесуса – 1,45 млн человек.

19 Myth

Via Earn The Necklace

Estimated Net Worth $1 million – Earns approximately $35k a month

Myth or TSM Myth as he is also known, currently streams Fortnite on Twitch. His real name is Ali Kabbani and he also plays games professionally for Team SoloMid.

He started streaming with the game Paragon back in 2016. In late 2017 he switched to Fortnite Battle Royale and his channel exploded in popularity. He currently has over 4 million followers on Twitch and often streams with other popular creators including Pokimane and summit1g.

He also has a YouTube Channel which has over 3.6 million subscribers. Here he posts Fortnite videos and highlights from his streams.

7 Reckful

Via Reddit

Estimated Net Worth $1.5m – Earns approximately $10k a month

Reckful’s real name is Byron Bernstein and he is a Twitch streamer and former eSports player. He played World of Warcraft professionally, winning Major League Gaming’s tournament in 2010.

He also released a gaming movie, titled Reckful 3.

These days he streams Hearthstone and World of Warcraft alongside other games and IRL broadcasts. He has over 768k followers on Twitch and 223k on YouTube.

In June of this year, he started a podcast called Tea Time w Byron which features interviews with notable streamers and other people in the gaming industry.

How The Top Twitch Streamers Get Paid

Hosting millions of users, this platform is an ideal influencer channel as there are multiple ways for content creators to collect funds. Of course, how much a Twitch streamer is paid will vary depending on the number of the volume of traffic and streams.

Some of the top streamers are raking in six figures on a monthly basis through all of these payment channels:

  • Account Subscriptions
  • Video Ads or Affiliates
  • Viewer Donations
  • Brand Sponsorships
  • Custom Merch Sales
  • Organized Gaming Tournaments

Given the sheer volume of views paired with the diverse monetization channels, it’s clear that Twitch is a profitable platform.

Account Subscriptions

Subscriptions are an incredibly powerful and effective way for influencers to earn luxurious incomes. After becoming a Twitch Affiliate, a content creator can earn money from account subscriptions.

Twitch streamers keep half of the subscription fees earned by their channel. Subscription plans range from $5, $10, and $25. Owned by Amazon, the platform also offers Twitch Prime which allows users to subscribe for free and creators still receive between 50% and 70% of the fees.

Most top Twitch streamers collect roughly $3.50 for each monthly subscription. When you do the math on even 10,000 subscriptions, that’s a $35,000 monthly payday – before ads and sponsorships.

Video Ads and Twitch Affiliates

Most viewers dislike ad placement strategies but content creators who make Twitch and video streaming their bread and butter still make the choice to monetize. Payment is issued based on each successful ad view. With view counts in the multiple six-figures, video ad revenue alone could be enough to replace the average 9-5 job.

Viewer Donations

Similar to dropping cash in the hat of a street performer, Twitch viewers can donate money to their favorite content creators. The platform makes the process easy by offering multiple payment methods, including PayPal and credit card, to make a direct donation.

Twitch still collects a small portion of each donation but the majority is collected by the streamer. In exchange, viewers collect intangible rewards such as text-to-speech, chat emotes, mods, or shout-outs from the streamer’s video.

Brand Sponsorships

Sponsorships come in all shapes and sizes and vary greatly from account to account. Some deals materialize as free merch or services or flat rate sponsorships and others are structured based on referred revenue.

Gaming companies like EA pay between one cent or one dollar for each viewer per hour when hosting sponsored streams. Let’s do the math! For 30k viewers, for two hours, that’s anywhere from $600 to $60,000 for two hours’ worth of content.

These types of deals are primarily reserved for top Twitch streamers, not novice or beginner accounts.

Customized Merchandise

Selling a streamer’s customized merch is more closely related to their overall popularity, not only Twitch statistics. It takes time to grow a follower base but it takes even longer to build the level of trust needed to begin selling to them.

Depending on the production route a top Twitch streamer chooses, this could require significant creative and financial investment when only loyal and true fans will buy. All things considered, it’s a strong strategy to increase income without producing more video content.

Tournament Winnings

Tournaments are nothing new to our world. However, online gaming tournaments take this concept to a whole new level.

Professional and competitive gamers join teams and tournaments across the globe, without ever meeting in person or being in the same room. They play for huge prizes, charitable organizations, and online street cred.

Winnings over hundreds and thousands of dollars are often on the table for the champions. These are generally high-level events that the gaming community takes quite seriously.


Pokimane is one of the most famous female gaming influencers. Her nickname is a combination of Pokemon, which she likes, and Imane, her real name. She streams videos not only on Twitch but also on YouTube, staying ultimately successful on both. An exclusive style of videos and bright personality earned her over 7.9 million followers and 184 million views on Twitch.

Pokimane’s talent and significant popularity drive attention from multiple brands that are willing to collaborate with her. One of the influencer’s ongoing partnerships is with HyperX – a gaming hardware manufacturer.

On average, Pokimane streams around 5 hours a day. Her favorite games include Fortnite, League of Legends, Grand Theft Auto V, Apex Legends, Teamfight Tactics, and others.

Final thought

Even though Twitch still has more males than female game streamers, more females have joined the platform in the recent past. If that trend is anything to go by, we can only expect the disparity to shift in favor of female games in the not very distant future. With that being said, we wrap up this post on the top 15 female Twitch streamers. Hope you found it very insightful.

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26…Кто займет это место?

Обычным зрителям стримерши могут показаться настоящими небожителями. Еще бы — столько просмотров, донатов, комментов — кажется, что такое не под силу обычным людям!

Однако, скажем по секрету, что на самом деле такое под силу многим из нас. Большинство стримеров из сегодняшней подборки начинали с совсем небольшого количества просмотров. Более того — долгое время их эфиры смотрело буквально несколько десятков человек.

Но со временем, выбирая правильный формат вещания, в том числе благодаря тому, что многие из нас просидели дома большую часть 2020 года, они достигли того, что сегодня имеют сотни тысячи просмотров на каналах.

Ничего необычного при это стримеры не делают — всего лишь играют в любимые игры и общаются с аудиторией. Некоторые дополнительно проводят различные конкурсы, косплеи и другие активности.

Кто такая Амарант

Амарант начала свою карьеру на Twitch в 2016 году. Она быстро набрала популярность своими стримами, где играет в различные видеоигры, общается с зрителями и проводит интерактивные передачи. Особенностью ее контента является фокус на внешности и использование ярких костюмов и декораций.

Амарант также известна своими стримами, в которых она танцует или проводит фитнес-тренировки. Она активно участвует в фитнес-программах и поддерживает здоровый образ жизни, что стало частью ее публичного образа.

Благодаря своей яркой внешности и нестандартному контенту, Амарант получила большую популярность и множество подписчиков на Twitch. Ее стримы привлекают тысячи зрителей, которые наслаждаются разнообразием контента, который она предлагает.

В целом, Амарант является одним из наиболее известных и популярных стримеров на Twitch. Ее уникальный контент и постоянное взаимодействие с зрителями делают ее одной из наиболее узнаваемых и востребованных личностей на платформе.


  • Real name: Sonja Reid
  • Age: 29 (born February 12, 1991)
  • Joined Twitch: 2013
  • Number of subscribers: 756.000 (March 2020)
  • Income: approx. $40.000 a year

Sonja Reid known to Twitch fans as OMGitsfirefoxx is yet another Canadian-born female streamer who now resides in Portland. Reid’s fascination with gaming determined her career choice: she studied computer programming. However, she had to quit studying to keep streaming as much as she wanted – something quite common for prominent Twitch streamers, both male and female.
OMGitsfirefoxx’s streams don’t focus on one particular gaming title. Her interests are quite varied and include games like Minecraft, Overwatch, CS: GO, League of Legends and many others.


Can you become a successful Twitch streamer if you are a woman? Yes, you totally can! This list is yet another proof that there’s nothing impossible if you are really passionate about something. Does it pay? Yes, it does, though it might prove to be trickier. Going to Twitch with the sole purpose of earning money isn’t a good idea. The competition is massive and unless you really love streaming and have an engaging personality, you might find it very hard to get to the top.

Keep in mind that the yearly Twitch earnings mentioned here are approximate. Usually, Twitch streamers have several sources of income: subscriber views, ad revenue, donations, to name a few. In most cases, they prefer not to disclose full information on how much they earn on the platform, for understandable reasons.

How To Start Your Journey: Become A Top Twitch Streamer

Who doesn’t want to get paid to play video games? Not many. But it isn’t as simple as “join Twitch and start streaming.” Like most content-oriented strategies, consistent, quality video production is where it all starts.

Here are a few tips to start your journey and become a top Twitch streamer!


Great, high-quality equipment creates great, high-quality content for your viewers. Starting your collection is the essential first step. Here are the must-have items you need:

  • Strong gaming PC or Mac for both play and editing
  • A customized Twitch account (avatar, description, and banner)
  • Streaming software for your monitor, gameplay feed, or your webcam
  • Quality microphone and/or headset
  • Webcam for viewers to watch you as well as the game (optional)
  • Streaming consoles, depending on what games you play

Build Your Audience

Start building your audience by creating high-quality content. Share it on all of your social media channels and stay engaged with anyone watching. A positive personality goes a long way online, especially when no one knows who you are yet.

Many Twitch viewers look for content on specific games. Don’t bounce around from niche to niche or you may lose interest from the followers you pick up along the way.

Stay Consistent

Create a streaming schedule you can stick to and be consistent. Consider when you’re available, when your viewers tend to be online, and where your viewers are located geographically.

Remember to announce when you’re going live across your social media platforms so you have the best chance of collecting more viewers.

Enjoy, Employ, or Become One of The Top Twitch Streamers!

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Pokimane Net Worth, Age, Twitch Earnings 2023

6 место. Дмитрий «Recrent» Осинцев

Изначально Recrent пробовал себя в качестве профессионального игрока в различных киберспортивных дисциплинах. Он играл в CS:GO, однако шутер не вызвал особого интереса у Дмитрия, и скоро он решил попробовать Overwatch. Recrent получал предложения от различных киберспортивных организаций, но отказывал им, желая найти хорошую команду

Постепенно внимание Дмитрия переключилось на PUBG: он начал выступать на онлайн-турнирах и даже занял 3-е место на Polaris Series 2018

Рекрента даже пригласили в Natus Vincere, но надолго он там не задержался. После провального выступления на PGS: Berlin — Europe Finals Дмитрий решил уйти из дисциплины и попробовать свои силы в Call of Duty: Warzone.

После победы в седьмом сезоне Twitch Rivals Call of Duty: Warzone Showdown, а также успешного развития Твич-канала, NAVI вновь подписала с ним контракт, на этот раз Recrent стал контент-мейкером клуба.

Сейчас он стримит Call of Duty: Warzone, 30 июня Recrent стал чемпионом онлайн-турнира с призовым фондом в 100 тысяч долларов. Сейчас у него 550+ тысяч фолловеров (8+ тысяч платных подписчиков).


  • Real name: Sasha Grey (Marina Ann Hantzis)
  • Age: 31 (born March 14, 1988)
  • Joined Twitch: 2019
  • Number of subscribers: 354.000 (March 2020)
  • Income: approx. $20.000 a year

Yep, it’s that person you think it is. Some female Twitch streamers just don’t need introduction, and this is exactly the case. For those of you who don’t know, Sasha Grey became known among certain audiences by working as an actress in adult movies. However, since her porn career started and reached its height, she proved to have lots of varied talents. Now Sasha Grey is known as an actress, author, deejay, model, and activist.

And besides all that, she has an undeniably charismatic personality. Perhaps this is what makes her streams so appealing: though she only joined Twitch last year, she already has a substantial subscriber base of 354 thousand.

During her streams, Sasha plays games, chats about real life, or reacts to some events and/or online content. Judging by her rapidly growing Twitch following, there are lots of people highly interested to see Sasha play Witcher 3 or Resident Evil 2, hear her clever comments and interact with her in chat.

18 Pokimane

Via Twitter

Estimated Net Worth $300k – Earns approximately $50k a month

Imane Anys is a Twitch streamer and YouTuber known as Pokimane. She mostly plays League of Legends and Fortnite. She has been active on the platforms since 2013 but has had breaks over that time, most notably in 2016 when she posted just 2 videos.

She was recently selected as one of 15 Twitch ambassadors for Twitchcon and a partner for Twitch Creator Camp.

Currently, she has over 2 million Twitch followers and more than 2.6 million YouTube subscribers. Pokimane is also a member of Offline TV, a collaborative YouTube channel.


​Also known as The First Blade, the former Rank 1 in NA is absolutely crushing the streams! As one of the top League Twitch Streamers, he is playing the top lane, with different mains which include Jax and Irelia as his main champions. Apart from reaching Rank 1 in NA, he also managed to accomplish this feat in different servers, such as EUW, EUNE, LAN and Turkey 2. Of course, the challenge in the latter were lower because we all know NA is one of the most competitive servers apart from Korea, yet this does not diminish his success!

He had a short stint in the professional aspect of the game, playing for Team Liquid academy in 2019, as he managed to Team Liquid substitute top-laner, but he did not manage very well, and he quit in 2020 when he focused 100% on the streaming activity. 

​For those who follow TFBlade, they know what kind of an enthusiastic player he is. His cursing is also present, but mostly when the plays are too close or when he is being constantly ganked without any support from his team. It is worth mentioning that his behavior did take a downfall when he made comments about Korea solo queueing, which turned out bad for him because he was removed from League Partner Program in June 2021.

​Currently, he is playing on Korean server on an account known as JAJA DIFF, where he is climbing the ladder successfully with 1.2M followers and around 10-15k current watchers of his stream. His biggest strengths are his farming and his 1v1 duels where he ends up as a winner most of the time, according to

12 Dakotaz

Via YouTube

Estimated Net Worth $650k – Earns approximately $8k a month

Dakota, known online as Dakotaz or Dark is a Streamer and YouTuber who plays Fortnite professionally. He started off playing a number of different games including War-Z, Clearview PVP and Infestation. From here he moved into H1Z1 and The Forest.

He stumbled upon PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and those videos started to increase his fame, although he was still standing at around 100,000 subs when Fortnite was released. He swapped over and the game propelled him to his current heights.

He now has over 2.3 million YouTube subscribers and just over that in Twitch followers, which currently stand at 2.4 million.

2 место. Николай «N3koglai» Лебедев


Второе место в топе занимает молдавский тиктокер и стример Николай «N3koglai» Лебедев. Родился в ноябре 2000 года в Кишиневе и мечтал стать профессиональным дотером.

Изначально обрел популярность в ТикТоке, придумав мем «Разрывная», а затем одним из первых начал снимать ролики с мемом «Не узнали? Это я – Лионеля Месси». На Твиче провел первую трансляцию 26 мая 2021 года, но по-настоящему большой онлайн начал собирать лишь в декабре. В январе побил рекорд русскоязычного Твича – в пике его смотрели более 543 тысяч зрителей.

Сейчас на его канале насчитывается 2,34 млн фолловеров, и с каждым днем это число растет.


Nihachu is the online handle for Nikita, a German-born female Twitch streamer who currently lives in Brighton, England. She’s very active in Minecraft, and has participated both in world championships and on the Dream SMP. Like many streamers, she also plays a little League of Legends, but it’s not what she’s known for.

Nikita is multilingual and has over 2.1 million followers from all around the world. On April 8th, 2021, it was announced that she would be joining Guild Esports. This gives her access to their sponsorship network as well as a preexisting audience to further expand her fan base. Nihachu is also a Twitch partner.

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